It's the final day of February and all I have to write is it has been a long cold wet month. For the middle two weeks of the month the temperature where I live never got above freezing and we saw snow on five days. Prior to the month all we had experienced this winter was snow flurries. To put it mildly; I detest Winter.
And to make the month worse I still have not been able to get a Covid-19 vaccine from the local health providers. I am over the age of 65 and I suffer from two underlying health complications. According to the government I am in the tier to get the vaccine because of those underlying conditions but as of today it's crickets. Not a word from any health care provider. And to complicate matters our 93 year old mother is also signed up for the injection but has yet to hear from any health care provider, hospital or doctors office. If we can't take care of our elderly than what in the world are we doing?
I live in the Midwestern state of Missouri, which at one point was last of the 50 states in distributing the Covid-19 injections. This can in part be blamed on our governor Mike Parson, who apparently is sending more vaccine than is needed to the counties that supported him when he was re-elected in November. But, that has resulted in the counties where he lost, including those that are home to Kansas City and St. Louis to be far short of the amount needed.
Hopefully, I will be able to get our mother inoculated against the Virus in March and I will get the shot before I get the virus. One of my specialists has warned me if I get coronavirus it will be difficult to shake because of my health. I am becoming increasingly bitter with the politics and hope the governor's actions don't result in the death of any of our state's senior citizens.