November 25, 2021

Thanksgiving 2021

Happy Thanksgiving Day to you and your loved ones.

I am thankful for all that has been given to me.  I have been so richly blessed I sometimes take those gifts for granted. I cannot begin to express my thanks for the love shown to me by family and friends. I live in a nation where I am free to worship Almighty God as I wish without fear of reprisal from the government; a nation where I am free to come and go wherever I want and whenever I want. I have a warm roof over my head and a comfortable bed to sleep in each night.  My home is filled with more than I could have ever imagined.  My safety is made possible by the sacrifices of others who put their lives on the line to protect me 24 hours a day. When I open the fridge there are way more food and beverages in it than I have ever done anything to deserve. If I want for anything, I have been given the means to buy it by the jobs that were given to me during my working years. For all of these blessings and all past blessings I say thank you Lord!

November 03, 2021

Game Six = 3:22


The 2021 World Series came to a close last night with the Atlanta Braves being crowned "World Champions".  The Braves won the series four games to two.  The score last night was 7-0 Braves over the Houston Astros.

There were a total of 19 strikeouts, three walks and nine pitching changes.  Houston alone changed pitchers seven times even though it was losing the entire time by a lopsided margin.

The six games lasted a total of 13 hours and 7 minutes or an average per game of three hours and 38 minutes.  This was eight minutes longer than I projected in my pre World Series post.

November 01, 2021

Game Five = 4:00

For the second time in just five games it took four hours to play a nine inning baseball game.  I don't have the time to waste on these matchups but do from time to time flip channels to see the score.  I live in the Central Time Zone and at 10:00 p.m. this one was only in the bottom of the sixth inning.  I went to bed and found out this morning that Houston won it 9-5 to take the series back to Texas.  Atlanta is up three games to two.

The game was slowed down by nine pitching changes, 16 strikeouts and another eight walks.  The "Fall Classic" is now guaranteed to not end until at least November 2nd.  MLB has to be happy the Red Sox and Cubs aren't playing.