June 23, 2005

Fast response from Congressman

Last week, I wrote about efforts by Congress to cut funding for the CPB. And when I told you to write your congressman I did the same. I wrote my rep, Russ Carnahan, who represents Missouri's third district. Here is his response:

Thank you for contacting me regarding the recently proposed cuts for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. I appreciate hearing from you.

For decades, the CPB has provided quality television programming for America's families. Shows such as Sesame Street have entertained and educated generations of American children. We must ensure that public television has the funding it needs to continue to air it's wonderful programs.

As you know, the House Committee on Appropriations authorized a $100 million funding cut for the CPB. Please be assured that I will fight to restore funding to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

Once again, thank you for contacting me. Please do not hesitated to contact me again on this or any other issue.

Russ Carnahan
Member of congress

Well, he is supportive of restoring the funding, but I would be more comfortable if he had said something about Public Radio and NPR in particular. But, still I liked the response.

Stay tuned for later details. Carnahan is a democrat so his response does not come as a surprise. It will be interesting to see what my two Republican Senators, Kit Bond and Jim Talent have to say when or if they respond.

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