October 05, 2005

Can the Three Stooges

Saturday I wrote it's time for the University of Missouri to take out the trash and fire it's football coach Gary Pinkel. Pinkel apparently is either unwilling or unable to get his players to follow his game plan and as a result Texas bombed the Tigers 52-21. But you say, Texas is number two in the country. I say so what. Missouri played them better in Austin last year than they did this year in Columbia. The program is not improving and the talent does not seem to be getting any better either. We've changed coaches every five years for the past three decades and nothing seems to improve. This time let's get rid of Pinkel, spend some money and get the coach that it takes to turn the program around. And yes, I am willing to make a contribution.

While we're at it let's get rid of Athletic Director Mike Alden. Alden hired Pinkel and our loser basketball coach Quinn Snyder. What has Alden done to earn his money? I can think of several people who could have done the job for a lot less. Let's get a new AD who can hire some winners.

And finally while we are cleaning house let's get a basketball coach with a little experience. Snyder seems clueless during the game when he has to make moves and match up against other Big XII coaches. He is a terrible game coach and his recruiting seems to have gone down the tubes. Let's pull the plug on these three stooges and move on.

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