November 14, 2005

Bowl Bound and Winning...Get Used to It!

My beloved Missouri Tigers are now bowl eligible thanks to the Baylor Bears. The Tigers won the game easily yesterday and now can end up either 7-4 or 6-5 depending on how they do against Kansas State next weekend. The Tigers are the better team but I don't know if they have the killer instinct to win on the road yet.

...While I am thinking of it props to my man GP who got me tickts for the game yesterday and for that matter all of the games I saw this season. And to his wife PP who was very gracious after the game at their home. It's good to be able to count the P's as such generous and gracious friends!

...Finally, the funniest thing I heard at the stadium all day was when a co-ed came through selling bottled water while it was pouring down rain the first quarter. She "get your crystal clear bottled water here". Fan, " I dont need to pay for any bottled water. The water hitting me in the head is free". She..."yes, but it's acid rain".

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