August 17, 2006


I have a new six week old great nephew who has been laid back from the time he was born and really doesn't cry very much unless he has cause to cry. Monday of this week he started running a 102 degree fever and like good parents should his mom S and dad J took him to the ER at the urging of his doctor. Well, it's three days later and all the great and wise doctors could surmise is he had an entero-virus. The fever is down but little L according to his Grandma, one of my sisters, won't eat very much and wont sleep unless he is held. But, still the little guy is out of the hospital and back home. Hopefully, this is the end of the virus. I'll say one thing...he is one tough little fighter.

My oldest great nephew "N" started school today and from what I gather it was tears all around for him and his mom. They were led to believe by the school that there would be breakfast for the parents and the kids. But, when they got there, the teacher told the kindergarteners their parents would be going to breakfast while they stayed in their classroom. This upset N and because he hadn't had his breakfast at home because they thought they would have it at all together at school, he had no choice but to cry. If he had acted out in any other way he would have gotten in trouble with the teacher. Mama said she held it together until she and her husband J got N calmed down, but then she said she lost it for ten minutes when they got outside to leave. J had to calm my niece down and then she said she was a wreck all morning wondering how N was doing at school. I told her by this time next week it will be routine, but still that first day of Kindergarten is a tough one on the parents and in this case because he had different expectations on N too. He is really a neat kid and a good boy and the school district needs to get it's stuff together when it tells parents they are holding a breakfast. Or, like my niece said, "Why would we want to go to school to eat their cafeteria pancakes without N"? Good question school.