Why is it the only teams that can play on TV in prime time have a New York address? I know the answer is all money and since Bud Selig sucks Fox TV and ESPN's dicks, that is the answer to this question. So, if you are actually going to a game in say St. Louis or Los Angeles you wont know until very late this evening what time your game is going to start. Why doesn't MLB get it's head out of it's ass and show the New York game in New York and the rest of the country watch whatever game they want. That's too simple. MLB would fuck up a wet dream...and as a side note the Cardinals couldn't even get on FOX today. They had to play their game at high noon on the cable network. And speaking of the cable types...who the hell is Linda Cohn and how did she ever get a job in the media. This bitch's voice could peel paint. And add to that her whiny nasal New York accent and I think someone should can her ass.
-Speaking of getting canned, I am in a jam at work. I stood up for myself and responded to some criticism from a moron at work a week and a half ago. I got sarcastic with her and she complained to management. My pussy manager then failed to back me up even though I told him what happened. He knows I was right. His manager now tells me I will be canned if I do it again. I am definitely back in the market. This company is a pretty good place to work. But the new management team that came in at the first of the year has failed to communicate since the start of the year. But, guess who gets the blame for work not getting done? Yep, it's the front line people. I think these gutless wonders should be working for MLB.
-As I write this I am watching the Tigers play the Yankees (Hey yank this)! I hope they do the rest of the nation a favor and knock the best team money can buy out of the playoffs. Then we won't have another who cares World Series. Do you remember several years ago when the two over-hyped media darlings brought in the lowest World Series ratings in history?