-Has AT&T lost it's freakin mind? I got a notice from Ma Bell telling me I had not yet paid my phone bill today. The thing that pisses me off is that it's not due until next Monday the 27th. I pay the bill electronically on the day it's due. I don't pay it a day early and I don't pay it a day late. I pay the bill on the day it's due. So why is the phone company telling me they haven't yet received payment when the bill isn't due for a week? Whatever rocket scientist marketer thought up this effort to get idiots to pay their bill early can kiss my ass!
-My Tigers continue to struggle. They lost to Iowa State last week in a game they should have won. This weekend we have the lowlife Kansas Jayhawks coming to Columbia and hopefully the Tigers will look a lot better at home. And someone on the coaching staff needs to tell Chase Daniel to calm down. He has been trying to do it all by himself for the past month and it's not working. Granted his running backs keep fumbling the ball and his receivers either drop the ball or commit stupid penalties, but he needs to let some of the others on offense carry the load.
-The basketball Tigers are off to a great start. They are 5-0 at this point. But then again they haven't played a decent team yet either. Their first real contest will be later this month against Arkansas at the Mizzou arena in Columbia.
-I have not been to the casino in a month and have not gambled in two months. Oh I have taken their comps and eaten dinner on them and cashed in their money coupons for drinks but I have not given them any of my cash. I suppose that will come to a screeching halt real soon.
-How can this be the night before Thanksgiving? It seems like it was just St. Patrick's Day. But, tomorrow is the fourth Thursday in November and it sure is Turkey Day. It is the second earliest that Thanksgiving Day can occur(next year it is the 22nd and then in 2008 it falls on November 27th). Where has the year gone?
Sorry I haven't written more lately but I will have more time in the coming weeks. In fact after this weekend I will have only three more full weeks of work before taking off the last half of December. Woo Hoo!