December 10, 2006

Finally...The lights are up!

I had given up on getting the external Christmas lights put up this weekend, but about three this afternoon I went outside and it wasn't too bad. Not only that, but the ice in the gutters (it was still present from last week's ice storm) had pretty much melted off. So, I went for it and it worked out okay, after I broke up what ice was left in the gutters. It did not take too long either, maybe an hour and 15 minutes total.

I was finally done with the installation and went to plug them into the timer I use to turn them off and on. And guess what? They were all shining and about 30 seconds later, some of them started blinking. At first I thought what the heck??? But, as I watched them they were kind of cool looking.

Besides, after taking the time to put them up they are in place for this holiday season and now they aren't going anywhere.