April 14, 2007

I Gave In To The System

I have had Dish Network for the past seven years. And with only a few problems it has been a good fit. But, because Major League Baseball (MLB) is run by a bunch of idiots I was forced to change to a new program provider this week.

MLB signed an "exclusive" contract with DirectTV this spring for it's out of market package of up to 60 games per week. But, then when U.S. Senator John Kerry intervened MLB also let cable buy into the package. This left Dish Network out in the dark, when Dish complained it could not afford the cost of the package and pass it along to all of it's customers.

So, this week I told Dish Network goodbye and had a DirecTV satellite dish put on my roof and two new receivers put in my home. The cost is roughly the same as Dish, but oh the hassle I had to go through. Why is this? Well, because Bud (the used car salesman) Selig and his henchmen had the arrogance to blow off fans like me who in the past had spent $160 per year for the package. Apparently the estimated 250,000 of us who had the out of market package on Dish, weren't important to the MLB powers that be.

Hey Bud Selig pucker up and kiss my ass.

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