September 06, 2008

Back to the Undecided Column

A week ago, after the Democratic National Convention I had made up my mind I would vote for Barack Obama for president. But, after the Republican National Convention this week I am not so sure. In fact, I am undecided.

I am impressed with Sarah Palin and her ability to cut through the BS. Ten days ago I was not too familiar with her. But, after taking on the oil industry and good old boys in Alaska her ability to reform has impressed me.

I also thought John McCain did a great job with his acceptance speech on Thursday night. I have always liked him because he is a true war hero and seems to put the nation first. But, if he in fact voted with George Bush II 90% of the time I have some reservations. I am researching his voting record. Why? Because I don't know that I believe the people putting out that statistic.

And I also think a lot of Joe Biden as a fighter. I never really thought of him as presidential material previously, but he can certainly express himself.

In the past I thought the choices for president were poor. (See George Bush, Jr and Al Gore). But this year, we have quality candidates running on both sides. I will post more as I weight the facts and make up my mind.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sarah Palin is from the right wing of a right wing party. The Republicans have lost touch with middle America. Don't be fooled by her gender, she cares as much about the comman man/woman as Bush does. She has aligned herself with oil companies and is in the pocket of big oil. Also, she's disingenuous. She had originally supported the bridge and the earmark for it in 2005. However, after the Mcain and others severely criticized the expenditure she backed off from her original support. She also kept the money for the earmark and spent it on other projects. I have to do some more research on the pipeline but that seems fishy to me as well. Even if Palin was God's gift to the government, she's only a VP. A vice presidential candidate should not have that much influence over a campaign. She's not going to be president. If anything, she's a far worse candidate than Biden, Mcain, or Obama. I live in a small town in New Jersey and it has a much larger population than the town Palin was mayor of. This election should be a referendum on the Bush presidency. Do you want a real change or more of the same? If you want more of the same, pick Mcain, if you want real change in Washington, pick Obama. During the Bush presidency, our national debt went from less than six trillion to 9.7 trillion dollars and rising. This is the least fiscally responsible presidency since Herbert Hoover. The Bush administration has been so liberal in their spending that make Jimmy Carter look like Barry Goldwater and Bush looks like Mcgovern compared to Carter at least when it comes to spending. I hope I've influenced you to vote for Obama. The life of our country is at stake. Thank you for your time.