October 05, 2008

Indebting Future Generations

I have been so busy with other things, that I really haven't had time to write about the US government giveaway to the nation's financial industry.

I can see the need for propping up the industry to avoid a terrible recession or worse. But, on the other hand I don't think we should be borrowing money from the Chinese and other nations who don't particularly care about our future.

I also dislike the fact that not only will my generation, and our children's generation, our grand-children's generation and their children and grand-children pay for it, but that those generations will most likely not have the standard of living that my generation has experienced.

I am still trying to figure the whole thing out. But, one thing I am disgusted by is a $200 million earmark for the Virgin Islands rum industry. Give a politician an inch and he'll take a mile.

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