September 07, 2009

Cardinals Deserve Better

The St. Louis Cardinals deserve better TV announcers than what they have. Dan McLaughlin and Al Hrabosky are the club's broadcast crew when games are on Fox Sports Midwest. Jay Randolph and Ricky Horton do the games when the teams games are shown on KSDK.

McLaughlin talks too much about everything but baseball. If he would tone it down and talk about the game or MLB in general he would be better than what he is. It also seems as if McLaughlin and Hrabosky apparently don't like each other and it sometimes comes across that way. Hrabosky has been doing the job as "analyst" for about five years and he doesn't seem to be getting any better at it. Maybe, Fox Sports Midwest will come up with some new talent next year.

On KSDK, Horton is adequate and is upbeat which helps to make him interesting. But, the play by play performed by Jay Randolph leaves a lot to be desired. Fact errors and omissions continue to plague him. I have tried several times to watch him call a game this summer and have had to turn it off and turn on the radio.

Speaking of the radio, John Rooney is one of the best sports play-by-play guys in the business and is a pleasure to listen to. He can make even the dullest of contests sound interesting and he is virtual fountain of information. He also does a great job of playing set up man to the comedy of Mike Shannon. Shannon will never be confused for a good color analyst, but he is humorous and after 30+ years the listener knows what he is getting.

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