January 13, 2010

Self Righteous Baseball Writers

Since Mark McGwire admitted his use of PEDs (see the post below this one), several nationally prominent members of the Baseball Writers Association of America have taken it upon themselves to criticize McGwire and say they will not vote for him to gain entry to the National Baseball Hall of Fame.

Peter Gammons, Thomas Boswell and several of the twits on the MLB Network need to quit posturing. McGwire told Bob Costas on Monday he is apologizing to get past the hurt he has been feeling for years and claims he played baseball for the love of the game. He did not say he wants to be in the Hall of Fame. Yet, now Boswell and Gammons say they won't vote for McGwire. Really!

None of these holier than thou types would have voted for McGwire anyway. McGwire's support on the Hall of Fame ballot has continued to decline and his candidacy is dead. So, why now when the man makes a seemingly heartfelt apology do they feel the need to run their mouths about a mute point? Maybe I should write I won't be hitting clean-up for the Cardinals this coming season and the team doesn't need to pay me $15 million dollars per year.

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