May 07, 2010

Boycott this Business Too

There is a guy in St. Louis who puts roofs on people's houses for a living. And he must make a ton of money doing it because he has started advertising on a local tv station whenever there is the least threat of stormy weather within 100 miles of St. Louis.

John Beal Roofing has it's logo plastered all over my TV set every time a dark cloud comes near the St. Louis region. Actually, the local CBS affiliate (KMOV-TV) is charging this guy a lot of money to be associated with it's severe weather coverage. (And the coverage is terrible to say the least. Large ugly graphics blotting out images of prime time network programming. Yecchh).

So, how do we stop this abuse by the Channel 4 Weather Children? Just boycott John Beal Roofing until he stops advertising and taking up space on my TV screen. Not roofer man's screen, MY screen. KMOV is far from alone in interrupting programming with bogus "storm" coverage, but they are the only ones brazen enough to have a sponsor for it. Do they really think they are doing the public a service. No, they are NOT! I have yet to hear anyone say they appreciate the non-stop barrage of "breaking" weather" when the storms have long since passed and are well out of the area that can even see these TV stations' signal. But, I have heard a lot of people complain about the preemption of prime time shows when you ask them.

Again the simple answer; just boycott the sponsor and probably more importantly the local TV station.

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