One thing I've observed since the start of this pandemic is the news media wants to cover the outbreak, but it has no clue what its doing. I have heard conflicting reports on local TV and radio stations and reporters who apparently have no idea how a virus is transmitted.
All they are doing is stirring up a frenzy and scaring the people who are watching and listening to them. And it's not just the local stations. The TV broadcast networks are doing it too, and at times I wonder if their editors are all home sick with the virus.
My advice to you is change the station when the talking heads start to give you "breaking news" on the virus. (How can this be breaking news when the first cases were reported in Wuhan, China in late December.)
Either change the station or turn off your TV or radio. You will be much happier than if you let these fools drive you nuts with every little aspect of the virus or more accuratly speculation about it.
Find yourself a couple of solid reliable news sources you trust and listen to them once a day. If all you want is statistics go to the Johns Hopkins University dashboard that keeps track of cases, deaths and patients who've recovered.
Finally, I saw a feature last Friday night on NBC Nightly News comparing the fight against COVID-19 to the sacrifices and fight against the Axis forces in World War II. The reporter was trying to show there are similarities. But, I got to tell you, there'snot much the two have in common. The people that served in World War II were getting shot at with live ammunition by the Nazis and Japanese. I dont think there are too many millennials who would hunker down in a foxhill and put their butt on the line stop a virus, let alone take the shelling and being shot at by people wanting to kill them.
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