January 06, 2023

0 For 14

The US House tried again and has failed again to elect a new speaker of its chamber.  Wannabe speaker Kevin McCarthy told reporters earlier this evening he had the support to be elected speaker.

Looks like McCarthy and his buddies can't count.  McCarthy missed being elected by one representative who could have voted present, rather than voting for a different Freedom Caucus candidate.

As one of my friends put it, if you went 0-14 they would send you back to the minors.

Earlier I wrote of insanity in D.C.  For the first time tonight I watched CNN's coverage from Atlanta.  The inane comments and editorializing by CNN's so called experts is unacceptable.  I ended up turning off this liberal media outlet in favor of C-Span.  I should have watched C-Span from the start.  This outlet hasn't editorialized or speculated.  And the camera angles on TV in the House are also much better.

The insanity is also alive and well in Atlanta.

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