January 20, 2021

Hail to the Chief


After 1461 days the United States is under new management.  President Joseph Biden was sworn in this morning as the 46th President of the nation.  I wish Mr. Biden well as he attempts to divide a diverse and extremely divided nation.

I found one line in his inaugural address to my particular liking when he said it is time to end this nation's un-civil war.  Hopefully, congress can take the lead on this as the polarization in the house and senate shows the rest of the country a horrible example.  I also hope Nancy Pelosi and Charles Schumer are willing to offer the "olive branch" to their peers on the other side of the aisle.

For the record I voted for Joe Biden in November.  I also voted for Donald Trump four years ago, but could not do it again after watching his ego get the bett er of him and the United States for the four years he served as our top elected official.

Good luck to you Mr. Biden.  You are going to need it.

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