January 01, 2021

Happy New Year!


The first thing that comes to mind as we greet a new year is may 2021 be a far site better than 2020.

My thoughts of 2020 will include a world ravaged and terrorized by a pandemic and in the United States a government that was feckless at times.  The year also brings back memories of many selfish people who would rather not wear a mask than help protect their fellow man.

The inconsistencies of governments also struck me as bizarre when dealing with the COVID-19 virus which did not discriminate by imaginary lines drawn on the ground.  One county in the state where I live would have all local restaurants and bars closed for safety, while you could go to the other side of the street and restaurants and bars would be wide open.  Many "leaders" of our state and local governments showed their true colors when failing to protect the general public.

But, the COVID virus wasn't the only issue we heard about repeatedly in 2020.  The presidential election in the United States was bizarre at times.  Former Vice President Joe Biden unseated incumbent Donald Trump fairly easily.  But, the post election drama was strange as Trump and his legal teams proceeded to claim the election had been stolen from them.  No court where litigation was filed ever sided with the Trump campaign but that didn't stop it from trying to have the public's decision overturned repeatedly.

Racism is still alive and well in the United States as evidenced by the death of George Floyd, a black man in Minneapolis murdered in late May at the hands of white police officers.  For several weeks protesters and rioters across the United States used it as an excuse to riot and loot in minority neighborhoods.  Not too far from where I live, it was described as a war zone with gunfire, fires being set deliberately and helicopters flying over the combatants.  It is something that I as a white American am not proud.

I hope 2021 is a whole lot better than 2020, but in reality unless a vaccine is rolled out quickly to everyone in the world I don't think the year will be much different than last year.  I pray this changes.

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