January 21, 2009

I Would Say They Have no Integrity

A journalism professor of mine told me many years ago if you see an advertisement on the front page of a newspaper it means one of two things. Either the paper is going broke or it has no integrity.

Well the same can be said of a St. Louis TV station that runs advertisements inside it's "newscast". The local CBS affiliate, KMOV, is doing just that. I was flipping channels after the Mizzou game ended and the sports dude was showing highlights of the St. Louis Blues. But, down below it was an ad for a local hamburger chain just as plain as day sitting next to a crawl of NBA and NHL scores.

Since the parent company of this TV station, Belo Broadcasting, isn't going broke it verifies the management at the TV station has no integrity. Shades of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, which pulled a similar stunt about a year ago.

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