May 20, 2007

Boycott Direct TV

A little over a month ago I decided to change my satellite provider to Direct TV. It was a HUGE mistake.

I switched carriers because Major League Baseball in it's infinite wisdom granted exclusive rights to Direct TV to carry it's Extra Innings package. So, when the season started I dumped Dish Network and called Direct for a basic package. I was told it would be $49.99 a month for the first year. Well, in the two bills I have received to date I am being billed $64.99 a month and the non-helpful customer service reps at Direct TV have been for the most part worthless. I thought this had been resolved a month ago, when my bill was credited properly and I was given the credit to get it to the level where it is supposed to be.

But, guess what? My new bill this week shows $64.99. I called the non customer service rep, who could barely speak English, who told me I misunderstood their offer and I would have to pay it. I asked to speak to a supervisor and then sat on hold for about 12 minutes. She then listened to me and told me that she would credit me back the ten dollars for programming, but that she could not waive the extra receiver charge. I explained I was told the total cost was $49.99 but she did not budge. And when I went on line to check my account activity the $10 credit she promised has still not been credited.

I will stick with them through baseball season, but if they think I am going to put up with this ongoing series of being lied to, and treated dis-respectfully they are in for a big surprise. Direct Tv has mis-represented itself and perpetuated fraud. If you are thinking of doing business with this outfit run away as fast as you can.

Hey FOX Get a Clue!

What would you say if a national television network spent it's entire pregame show talking about a team that is ten and a half games out of first place and it's opponent that it only plays six times per year. Well, FOX did that yesterday prior to it's game of the week. It spent the entire 15 minutes talking about the New York Yankees and the New York Mets. If this had been seen only in New York City it would have been boring. But, FOX had the nerve to inflict the rest of the country with this crap. If you watched only FOX for your baseball news, you would think New York is the only city in the country with professional baseball.

FOX insulted the entire nation with this bush league pregame show. The producer should be fired for being so parochial. At least where I live I didn't have to watch the Mets/Yankees (the team 10.5 games out of first place). I at least had the option of watching an all Chicago match up between the Cubs and White Sox. Since, I hate the Cubs and they were winning after three innings I turned off the FOX station and turned to golf on another network.

Hey FOX get your head out of your butt! No one west of the Hudson River cares. You should have learned this lesson years ago when there was an all New York series and it had the lowest rating's of any World Series ever played. Wake Up! No one cares!

May 05, 2007

Peyton Manning has a great sense of humor

I got this by email and think it is hilarious. Peyton Manning was on Saturday Night Live in March and did a spoof of the NFL's United Way campaign. You can check it out by going to Enjoy!