March 27, 2008

The Hoosier Neighbors are Still Here

The much despised yahoo neighbors are going strong. Why just this afternoon, the Hoosier kid worked on his car and made a nuisance of himself for the better part of an hour. I have learned that he is the boyfriend of their niece who doesn't live with these losers either. But, the yahoos don't care about the rest of us. Just let the boy work on his car.

And the morons have a new yard ornament. They have a toilet that has been sitting on the side of their house for about three weeks now. Yep, every time I drive to my home I get to see a toilet on the side of their rental house. But, I shouldn't be surprised. They left a dryer in their front yard for over a month shortly after they moved in.

Please hoosier people go back to your trailer park or shack or wherever you came from and leave the rest of us alone to enjoy our lives.

They're Out of Control

The NCAA tournament is a beautiful sporting event. But, you can't enjoy it in St. Louis. Why, you ask?

Well the local CBS affiliate has decided it would rather put on some bozo weather geek than show the game in it's entirety. Instead we are being subjected to Bozo's reporting on a tornado about 100 miles away that is not even in the stations market. Why, would they do this? A reasonable question. Because the management of KMOV, owned by Belo, thinks it will enhance the stations position in the market and boost ratings. Ratings translate directly into dollars in the "Gong Show" industry. So, looks like I am going to miss some great basketball on TV. But, then again I wont miss the game. The NCAA in conjunction with CBS Sports is streaming the game live on the Internet. So, I can just tell KMOV to kiss my butt and shove Bozo where the son don't shine.

March 22, 2008

Televison News; Still an Oxymoron

The local TV newsrooms are an easy target. Why you ask? Because they are an incompetent lot when it comes to journalism. As I have explained many time, they are driven by consultants who tell them what to do. They want to fill your screen with sensational pictures and make sure you see their logo at the same time.

The local CBS wannabes spent their entire 5:00 p.m. newscast last night showing the same pictures of a local river flooding over and over and over and over and over until you just wanted to puke. Yes, the flooding of the Meramac River is a big story but not to the point where the station has the right to insult every one's intelligence. Come on KMOV get a life. The only reason I didn't turn off these idiots was I was waiting for the start of the evening session of the NCAA tournament.

To add to the lunacy these Bozos have been flying their noise makers over my house for the past two days in an effort to get a "scoop" from the sky over their perceived "competition".

It's Been a Busy Week

Sorry I haven't had more time to post this week. I have been playing catch up all week since taking Monday off of work and from life to celebrate St. Patrick's Day.

I had a project at work that wrapped up yesterday and I think everyone involved was happy with the results. At least my two up expressed appreciation for the job. You know it's funny though. I passed the praise along to others involved in the move and they didn't say a word when I thanked them. No response. Not an "okay", or "your welcome" or "kiss my butt" or anything. But, I sent it by email too, so that could be why I have not received a reply.

I got a bunch of things that need to get done today but I am taking a break right now just to post. I guess I have a need for this blogging thing.

March 17, 2008

A Victim of Sub Prime Mortgages

My older brother called me a short time ago and told me he got his walking papers today. G works for Citicorp and he was told he will be out of a job in 60 days. Now he is a bright man and a good worker but he is also 57 years old.

You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that old white guys are having a hard time finding jobs at this point in life. One of my fears is that I too will get laid off at this stage of life.

To G I say hang in there because you are very good at what you do. And like they say; when a window closes a door opens. But, again G's age is not going to help him find a good job.

The bottom line is Citicorp is a greedy financial company and it's practices have now put a lot of hard working people out of work. Maybe the upper management and execs at Citicorp need to be held responsible for their greed. Maybe if they got let go they might not be so quick to fire those who actually busted their butts for the corporation.

In the meantime, all I can say is hang in there G better days are ahead.

A Great St. Patrick's Day

I took my first day of time off this year and it was terrific. The forecast was for rain and thunderstorms all day long but the good Lord smiled on us and the rain held off while we walked in the parade. Thanks to my friends P & B for letting me walk with their clan in the annual dog-town parade.

After the parade we went over to C's house in Dogtownto celebrate the day and she was very gracious. In fact everyone there seemed to enjoy the day off. What also amazed me was the amount of food brought in to the party. It was all excellent.

After that I hooked up with my great friends V&A for dinner and drinks at an Irish pub. Again, they and their family were just wonderful company to be around. Their granddaughter K is a lot of fun and and really a neat woman to talk to.

I really like St. Patty's Day and the only downside is it's over until next year. Still, I have fond memories of this year's celebration. Erin Go Bragh!!

March 12, 2008

Tomorrow Is Another Day's been one of those days I would just as soon forget.

It started out alright but then I had a secretary from another department, who isn't remotely a manager give me an order this morning. I thought about emailing her but quickly forgot about it because of her political connections. Then the two projects I have been working on quickly turned to crap as I tried to figure out what was wrong. The bottom line is I researched the problem on the Internet with one of our vendors but never came close to solving it. I will have to beg for help from the vendor's support team tomorrow. Gee, I can hardly wait.

Then the second project turned to mud as the help I had been promised never materialized. Again back to the research documents, but they were worthless.

Then I get back to my desk and this guy I work with was pissed off because a bunch of us planned to get together for lunch tomorrow but he was unhappy because he had been to the same restaurant on Monday. Never mind the fact he didn't bother to invite anyone else. But, he bitched up a storm about it. I finally turned my back on him after trying to discuss the matter in a reasonable manner. I should have told him to go F himself.

After lunch I got a phone call from a customer wanting to know why I had not done something. So, I told him I would check into it. It turns out they never submitted an order. Fortunately one of my higher ups told me not to do anything. (I just hope he remembers that tomorrow when the secretary who works for the customer calls and bitches.

Then I got handed a job I had absolutely no clue about. Again the higher up said wait for more information from another department. I am glad he told me that, but I know in the long run I am going to get stuck with the job and the other department will try to spin it even though they dropped the ball.

I thought this day can't suck much more? But, oh it did. I had two meetings this afternoon. The first was supposed to be quick and the committee, for the record, is productive. But, two new people who were put in the group by senior management decided they would carry on a conversation about the topic and ignore everyone else who has been working on this for the past two years. I was mega pissed and dumped out the first chance I could get.

The second meeting was better but it was a pep talk for the corporation. There was faint praise from a manager, but it was the same old song and dance.

As I headed for home I thought things can only get better. But, traffic was all jacked up and the trial offer I received from On-Star to use it's expensive phone service was a bust. I tried to carry on a conversation with a family member but she told me my call was full of static and it ended up with the call being dropped. I called On-Star back and told them the problem, but after being on hold for about ten minutes I said the hell with it. I will call them back at another time. Or maybe just not use the phone service again and dump them when they start asking for money.

I finally pulled into my driveway and I thought peace at last. But, noooooo. The Hoosier neighbor's friend was out working on the piece of crap he calls a car. And there is still no muffler on it. Just a very loud car that disturbs the the whole neighborhood. The moron finally shut it down after dark to my and the rest of the neighbors relief. You know, it's not personal on his part in any way. He is just a dumb Hoosier that hasn't been told any better. But, he should know better. He probably is pushing 25 years old.

I have had enough for one day and am going to bed now. Like Scarlett O'Hara said "tomorrow is another day".

March 02, 2008

Hayseed Neighbor Update

Well it's a nice warm day here and the renters next door came out of the house in all their hoosier glory. The first thing they did was turn their retarded baby loose on the neighborhood. This is the one that doesn't talk but just screams. I don't know if the kid is really retarded but he must be about two and doesn't say any words yet, just screams or cries at everyone.

Then while I am trying to watch a golf tournament on TV one of their friends comes over to work on a piece of crap car. The car has no license plates or mufflers on it. So every time this kid fires it up, it makes enough noise to be heard three blocks away. Why do they let their loser friends come over and disturb the peace in our neighborhood? Why doesn't this person just stay in their trailer park.

Finally, this is March second. But, guess what is still hanging on the rental house? None other than all the Christmas lights these yahoos put up in November.

I wish they would all move back to whatever trailer park from which they escaped.

March 01, 2008

White Hawk IPA Revisited

In mid January I wrote about White Hawk IPA and said it was okay but nothing special. After attending a beer tasting a week or so ago, I have changed my mind. This product from Mendocino brewing in California is awesome. I have drank several more and the way the hops linger on the palate are excellent. If you are a hop head I would recommend you try it if you have never tasted it. If you have tasted it then you know how good it really is. My apologies to the brew master for my earlier review.