March 22, 2008

Televison News; Still an Oxymoron

The local TV newsrooms are an easy target. Why you ask? Because they are an incompetent lot when it comes to journalism. As I have explained many time, they are driven by consultants who tell them what to do. They want to fill your screen with sensational pictures and make sure you see their logo at the same time.

The local CBS wannabes spent their entire 5:00 p.m. newscast last night showing the same pictures of a local river flooding over and over and over and over and over until you just wanted to puke. Yes, the flooding of the Meramac River is a big story but not to the point where the station has the right to insult every one's intelligence. Come on KMOV get a life. The only reason I didn't turn off these idiots was I was waiting for the start of the evening session of the NCAA tournament.

To add to the lunacy these Bozos have been flying their noise makers over my house for the past two days in an effort to get a "scoop" from the sky over their perceived "competition".

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