January 29, 2008

Baby It's Cold Outside

Do you remember what I wrote Sunday about the weather? Well today was a classic example of what can happen in a short period of time.

At noon I went to lunch and the temperature was 71 degrees. When I left work about 3:30 the temperature had fallen to 33 degrees and it was snowing...sideways. Yep, if you don't like the weather just wait 15 minutes and it will change.

January 27, 2008

If You Don't Like the Weather...

The saying about weather in this area is "If you don't like the weather, just wait 15 minutes and it will change".

That has been the case the past few days. It reached 58 degrees in St. Louis this afternoon. But a little more than 72 hours ago on Thursday morning it got down to all of four degrees. I just looked at the forecast and it is supposed to cool off to more January like temperatures by Tuesday.

A Nice New Beer....And It's Not an Ale

If you read this blog regularly you know I am a beer lover and a hop head on top of it. By definition that's someone who likes highly hopped Ales. Yesterday I was invited to a beer tasting at my favorite new liquor store named Paradise Valley Wine. They featured the offerings of O'Fallon Brewery in St. Charles County.

I have written about the company's Five Day IPA previously, but yesterday I sampled and bought the Smoked Porter. It is brewed with Bamberg malt. The malt is roasted and the result is a smooth rich Porter. I wish I had known it was available a month ago when I was smoking Turkey and Rolled Pork Loins. The beer can be paired with a number of foods. You know I just read that last sentence and it sounds a little pretentious. But, then again wine snobs have been doing it for years. So, I guess I have the right to do the same with my beer.

January 22, 2008

And Still Another Fine IPA

I had yet another tasty Indian Pale Ale over the weekend. This one is brewed by Odell Brewing Company in Fort Collins, Colorado and named simply IPA.

It has a rich hoppy flavor and ended strong. It is very drinkable with an IBU of 60 and alcohol by volume of seven percent. I will definitely drink this beer again.

You Go Albert

Albert Pujols met with the media for the first time since December and has told them how frustrated he is with the sloppy reporting linking his name with steroids. Pujols particularly expressed his frustration to the St. Louis Fox TV affiliate by asking a crew it had sent to his news conference to leave the room. And he has every right to do so to express himself. At least the rest of the media in the market and some national outlets picked up on the story.

As background, a New York media outlet reported Pujol's name was in the Mitchell report. Then KTVI in St. Louis aired the story without checking the facts. As a result it made a mistake a first year journalism student wouldn't make. It ran pure unadulterated gossip. There is no excuse for this.

Pujols says he will forgive them. Pujols is a class act and realizes there's nothing he can do. But, in the meantime, the person or persons at KTVI responsible for airing the gossip continue on their merry way of irresponsible, shoddy journalism.

January 21, 2008

Reverse Racism

A group of minority hooligans ruined St. Louis' Martin Luther King Day Celebration. This organized mob decided to heckle Mayor Francis Slay over last year's firing of former Fire Chief Sherman George. The reasoning has been explained repeatedly, but these individuals decided to attack Slay on a day set aside to honor King. The attack was finally quieted by George who stepped in and asked the hecklers to stop.

Just think if the roles had been reversed and a group of whites heckled a black speaker. It would have been decried as racism of the worse sort. But the hecklers, all black, just don't get it. In the end they ruined the day for everyone, both blacks and whites.

Given King's peaceful ways I believe he would have been ashamed of the mob mentality displayed by these selfish individuals.

January 19, 2008

Idiot Politicians

This country is mortgaging it's future by continuing to pay for the war in Iraq. I have heard estimates of 80 billion dollars a year. This is going to be borne by the next generation, and their children too will have to pay for our stupidity. (I am not judging the war, just the idiocy of paying billions of dollars for it).

So given that, what the heck are the politicians in Washington thinking when they say they want to send an $800 tax rebate to every person filing a return? And to make it worse some of the "leaders" in the Democratic party want to give it to people who don't even pay taxes.

I wish we could all go to Washington and grab these mental midgets by the lapels and just shake the you know what out of them until they come to their senses. But, apparently most of them don't have enough sense to pour piss out of a boot even if it said "This End Up".

Unfortunately for those of us who have to pay taxes for this country's operations, this lame brained scheme has a pretty good chance of becoming reality, because this my friends is an election year.

January 16, 2008

Tough Night for The Good Guys

I spent much of this evening watching local teams take it on the chin. Up in Ames the Iowa State Cyclones downed my beloved Mizzou Tigers 72-67. The Tigers got beat at the free throw line hitting only 53 percent. That's not good enough to win at any level.

After the Tigers game I flipped over to the Blues game just in time to see them get beat up in Chicago by the Blackhawks. The game wasn't close with Chicago winning 6-1. The Hawks outshot the Blues badly.

Another Fine IPA

I tried another fine beer Sunday evening before dinner and think it is one of the best India Pale Ales I have tasted. JW Dundee's IPA ranks right up there with Goose Island and Schlafly's products. For what it's worth Dundee's is located in Rochester, New York.

In looking at it's web page I learned it is brewed with Amarillo and Simcoe hops. I had never heard of these before but it certainly leaves a nice crisp taste as the last drops slide across the back of your tongue.

It is brewed in late summer and I suspect I got some of the last product they produced this past year. But, I will definitely drink it again when the new batch comes out late this summer.

January 13, 2008

Sunday's Musings

-The strike by The Writer's Guild in Hollywood has caused tonight's Golden Globe awards to be cancelled. But, on the other hand it has let me view some things I might not have otherwise seen. Because the few TV shows I watch are all reruns I have started watching some other shows. Until the strike I had never seen three offerings I now am trying to watch when I can . The first is "Madmen" by AMC on various nights. On Monday nights I am now watching the WB's "Aliens in America". And on Tuesday night's Fox has a program called "House" that I have started watching. Were it not for the strike I wouldn't have seen any of them.

-I had the chance to sample an IPA from Mendocino Brewing in California last night. It's White Hawk Original IPA is good and hoppy. It's not the best I've had but it's very drinkable. However, if you're not a hop head you may have a problem with it.

-What is it with TV ads for hamburgers? Have you seen the inane spot that Burger King is running for it's "Whopper"? It shows a clip of videos in which actors are told they can't buy a whopper and then the actors act crazy when they are told it's not available. Come on BK don't insult our intelligence. We've already been insulted by the Sonic ads with the two gay dudes talking about how good the food is and by the dummies who write the Hardee's/Carl's Jr. ads. Maybe there's a statement on the job application at these ad agencies that says we won't hire you unless you're an idiot.

-Speaking of ads, Anheuser-Busch has taken to running radio spots saying all they do is brew lagers (Yeeccch). Then they take a swipe at Pale Ales, Stouts, Porters and Wheat beers. (I guess the average AB consumer prefers water flavored beer to real beer). But I find it interesting that AB uses it's distribution system to transport many of the micro brews it is saying aren't that good. Do you think the management at AB is a little two faced?

January 12, 2008

Screw Up in New Hampshire

I've been meaning to post this all week. It's hilarious how the "professional pollsters" all screwed up the New Hampshire primary. There have been numerous excuses but the bottom line is the so called experts were clueless.

I have a theory why they were wrong. Maybe the people of New Hampshire just got fed up with their privacy being invaded. If you get a call from these bozos just lie to them and eventually their credibility will be shot and they'll be out of business.

January 10, 2008

Hey Al Get A Life

Al Sharpton is a racist. Simply put he has once again made a mountain out of a mole hill.

Yesterday The Golf Channel, caved to pressure from Sharpton and his gang, and suspended golf anchor Kelly Tilghman for two weeks for a remark she made last week at the Mercedes-Benz Open.

Tilghman gave Tiger Woods a backhand compliment when she said young players trying to make a living on the PGA tour should "lynch him in a back alley". That was the extent of her remarks and her co-anchor Nick Faldo chuckled at the remark. Even Woods' agent issued a statement saying "it is a complete non-issue."

But Al the racist says it is offensive to blacks and attempted to compare Tilghman to Don Imus and his infamous remark of last spring about the Rutgers women's basketball team.

I talked to several African American friends at work and they think her remark was humorous in the context it was offered. In fact, one friend suggested Sharpton is out of touch with many blacks and not to be taken seriously. Given that, it's time for Sharpton to be held responsible for his divisive remarks.

January 05, 2008

A Great New Beer

Schlafly Brewing has brought it's smoked porter to market and it is outstanding. Schlafly has brewed it in the past but not regularly each year. It is great to see it back in the micro breweries offerings again this winter.

This year's batch is outstanding. I had a chance to taste it earlier this evening at the Tap Room. I will definitely have it again the next time I am at Schlafly's downtown facility. The beer was definitely worth the wait.

January 04, 2008

Random Thoughts

I love these three day work weeks. After taking Monday off and celebrating New Year's Day Tuesday I went back into the office after 18 consecutive days on vacation. Then I only had to work three days this week. I can get used to this real fast. But, Monday morning and a full five day work week will be here soon enough.

Obama and Huckabee. Who are these guys? Yes, you probably know who they are, but did you know who they were two years ago?

If you can live in St. Louis I believe you can live anywhere. It was seven degrees on Thursday morning. By Sunday afternoon it is supposed to be in the mid 60's.

It's back to the dieting. I put on ten and a half pounds over the holidays. But, it's been back to reality this week and I hope to have it off within the next few weeks.

I applied for a US Passport while on vacation last week. I will let you know when I receive my passport and how long it takes all together to receive the document. The clerk at the Post Office told me to give it six to eight weeks. That's not a problem since I don't have vacation scheduled until early summer.

Speaking of travel I am watching the Mercedes-Benz Championship on the Golf Channel as I blog. Man, do Hawaii and the South Pacific look beautiful. They are playing at Kapalua in Maui. Maybe that's where I should go on vacation this summer.


It's amazing to me that every time I see a rerun of the TV sitcom M*A*S*H I stop surfing channels and leave it on even thought I have probably seen every episode at least five times. I was taking down the Christmas tree when I got home from work today and turned on the TV in the living room. Sure enough, there was M*A*S*H on the Hallmark Channel. I ended up "watching" three episodes over the next hour and a half while I worked on removing the ornaments and garlands and then dismantling the tree.

By now you've probably guessed M*A*S*H is one of my all time TV favorites.

January 02, 2008

Enough Already

Are you as tired as I am of the speculation about the Iowa caucuses tomorrow evening? I have heard some of the most inane rubbish being spewed by so called experts in the past week, that I just want to say hey pick the candidates at the national primaries this summer and leave the rest of us alone.

Who really cares what a bunch of people in a small Midwest state think about presidential candidates eleven months before the election. We've been listening to this garbage for a year now and I have yet to talk with anyone who really cares to hear it for yet another year.

All of these so called experts have their own opinion of what will happen in Iowa and what it will mean nationally. Just keep in mind these so called expert opinions are like butt-holes. Everybody has one.

January 01, 2008

How 'Bout Them Tigers!

My beloved Missouri Tigers kicked butt and are the champions of the 2008 Cotton Bowl. The Tigers dominated Arkansas this afternoon 38-7. Not only did the Tigers win the game convincingly but they dominated Arkansas on defense, offense and special teams. Tiger running back Tony Temple had a field day running for 281 yards and four touchdowns.

What impresses me most is the Tigers, despite their snub by the BCS a month ago, never complained about going to the Cotton Bowl. Instead the team embraced it and let it's play speak for itself. Tonight while driving home from greeting friends I heard a Fox radio analyst say Missouri proved to the rest of the world they belong in the BCS games this week. Gee, you think?

I am just so proud to be a Tiger fan tonight.

Happy New Year!

Greetings on this first day of the Year of Our Lord 2008 A.D.

It has been a relaxed morning following a quiet New Year's Eve. I watched the movie "Knocked Up" and it lived up to my expectations and was hilarious. Both Seth Rogen and Kathryn Heigl were good in the lead roles. It may be as funny a movie as I saw all year. It was a little raunchy at times but very funny. Another great film from producer, director and writer Judd Apatow.