March 30, 2006

Idiots at the local NBC affiliate

What is wrong with the freakin losers at St. Louis' NBC affiliate? I am trying to watch the network program this evening called ER and the egotistical bastards at this station are so impressed with their weather techie crap, they insist on putting it on the screen every chance they get. And the map that covers the lower left quarter of my screen is for a freakin Thunderstorm WATCH! No not a thunderstorm warning...just a stinking Watch. That means conditions are favorable for the formation of a strong storm, but that none has been sited.
And they also want us to know there is a tornado WATCH (not a warning) in Phelps county that can't even get their signal off of the air. And I have news for the losers at five and their loser consultants who tell them to pull this crap. Phelps county is blacked out on the Rolla and Salem cable systems in order to protect their primary stations in Columbia and Jefferson City.

So tell us KSDcrap why do you put these disgusting images over what we are trying to watch? No one in their right mind cares about a tornado watch for a town of 15 thousand that is 90 miles away. I'll tell you why they do this. They have been told by some over-priced consultant that this will hype their news ratings at ten o'clock. So, guess what? Instead of being able to enjoy the program that channel five is getting paid to carry by NBC, we get to watch their large annoying boring images for an hour. Hey snooze channel we're not stupid we get it after about ten seconds. Instead of leaving up your graphic just run a crawl across the screen every 15 minutes or so.

The only other option open to us is to tell the local advertisers on KSDK you will not buy their products they advertise with this sleaze bag of a TV station.

March 28, 2006

Rambling thoughts

I can't wait for opening day! T minus - 5 days and counting! ( I don't count the bastardization of baseball by ESPN on Sunday night, even though it is the first regular season game this year). The Cardinals will make the playoffs this year, but they have some big holes in left field and at second base. Add to that some doubt about the fourth and fifth starters and they have real concerns. But, if it all comes together the Cards could win the World Series this year. One key will be 3rd baseman Scott Rolen. If he can regain his 2004 form before he got hurt it will go a long way to answering some concerns about the offense.

In another note, I was flipping channels and saw this new show tonight on NBC called "Teachers". It was mediocre at best. I guess sex sells because it took all of eleven minutes before two teachers fell into bed together. Now I'm no prude but what the heck is NBC thinking? This show will be lucky to last six episodes.

And would the sun please shine? After a beautiful Saturday we haven't seen the sun since. And rain is forecast for tomorrow and Thursday. Help me!

Finally, GW seems to be about as popular as a case of the clap. His approval ratings keep falling and today he fired his chief of staff and got a new one. I don't understand the move and I didn't vote for you this time around Mr. Bush, but I sure wish you well for the good of the whole country.

Turmoil in the workplace

The more things change at work the more they remain the same.

We have lost one of our minority employees, but the division between black women and white men remains the same. The guy who wants to be boss is trying to work around it but he isn't communicating with everyone. H has spoken to only people who he happens to see or who have sucked up to him. And speaking of sucking up H will have a broken nose if our bigger boss sits down.

In the meantime Senior management has opened up an internal position for promotion. Everyone has applied for it, but I don't know if it's to attract someone in from the outside or to truly promote someone who is deserving of a raise and responsibility. (Like me)!

I will keep you informed on what happens but it will be interesting to see the posturing and listen to the bullshit from people who would have you think they are the hardest workers in the world. Stay tuned!

March 18, 2006

A Great Day for the Irish!

I've been chillin out most of today, but what a great day for the Irish yesterday. I walked in the Hibernian's parade yesterday for the first time ever. My friends P&B had asked me several years ago to walk the parade route with them, but I had always bailed. But, this year being in shape for the first time in years and walking daily I thought it was something I would like to do.

And boy was it fun! The parade according to the rag St. Louis newspaper was attended by in excess of 100,000 people. I had the chance to give beads to little kids. (Not really throwing them, I had the chance to hand them to the little ones rather than arbitrarily firing them into the crowd of adult drunks). Some of it was kind of ugly such as the 25 year old blond bimbo screaming for beads, who yelled F*** You when they went to a two year old instead and she didn't get them. But, screw her. She must have been drinking since about ten in the morning and already had about a dozen sets of beads wrapped around her neck. If only I could have put my hands around her neck when she yelled out F-You.

Still, all things considered it was a great parade. I saw some friends in the crowd and had the chance to toss them beads too. I want to thank P & B for the invite to walk in the parade. They are awesome friends and the day was also a wonderful one. And the Ancient Order of Hibernians did a great job of setting up the parade and keeping it orderly and moving.

Finally, here's a joke for you. Do you know what the difference is between Saint Patrick's Day and the MLK holiday is?

A: Everyone wants to be Irish on Saint Patrick's Day!

March 13, 2006

And the Sopranos

Did you catch the season premier of "The Sopranos" last night? Wow, what an opener to the new season.

Looks like we are in store for another eleven great episodes if last night was an indication of the rest of the season. A whacking, a hanging and what appears to be an accidental shooting. Not to mention that Phil Leotardo may be setting himself up for a hit. I don't watch a lot of television but when "The Sopranos" is on it is my favorite program.

...and that.

Shame on CBS Sports! Two of their so called basketball "experts" took it on themselves to attack the chairman of the NCAA Men's basketball tournament selection committee during their selection show yesterday afternoon.

Billy Packer and Jim Nance decided enough major conference teams did not make the tournament and used their portion of the show to attack committee chairman Craig Littlepage. It was not the proper forum for either Nance or Packer to express their opinions. It may have started out as a legitimate question but it turned into an editorial. And to top it off Littlepage was not given the opportunity to respond after the attack started. He tried to answer but CBS cut him off. If you would like to read a more balanced article about the selection process check out this page.

Hey CBS get these guys off the air before they do even more damage!


Well hello there Blogland...I have been sick with this darn flu for the last couple of weeks and have not been writing because frankly I haven't felt up to it. That doesn't mean I haven't wanted to rant about certain things, I just haven't been up to sitting down at a keyboard and organizing my thoughts.

But, off the top of my head here is one. First of all the TV stations in this town are like amateur night. They all try to outdo each other when a thunderstorm rolls through. And it doesn't matter how far away they are. They are so desperate to show off their technology they will break into programming to tell you how awful the storm is that is about 100 miles away. (Why they do this I don't know). The people 100 miles away cant get their signals anyway and the cable subscribers in those towns are blacked out in favor of their local stations. But, in Saint Louis we get to hear about storms in north central Missouri and central Illinois. Give me a break already. I am NOT watching your station to see weather. I am watching to see your network's prime time programming! Twice while watching 'The West Wing" last night the weather man took it on himself to interrupt to tell us about a storm...I kid you not, that was 90 miles north of Saint Louis. Now this was pretty inane but it was the same thing the weather bimbo on the CBS affiliate did during "60 Minutes" the previous hour. Her justification was "these are dangerous storms moving our way from Kansas City". Hey get a life. Kansas City is 250 miles away. And as far as the alleged threat to my safety and property...never happened. It barely rained at my house. STOP SHOWING OFF YOUR FANCY TECHNOLOGY AND JUST SHOW THE NETWORK PROGRAMS! No one cares about storms 100 miles away!