March 30, 2006

Idiots at the local NBC affiliate

What is wrong with the freakin losers at St. Louis' NBC affiliate? I am trying to watch the network program this evening called ER and the egotistical bastards at this station are so impressed with their weather techie crap, they insist on putting it on the screen every chance they get. And the map that covers the lower left quarter of my screen is for a freakin Thunderstorm WATCH! No not a thunderstorm warning...just a stinking Watch. That means conditions are favorable for the formation of a strong storm, but that none has been sited.
And they also want us to know there is a tornado WATCH (not a warning) in Phelps county that can't even get their signal off of the air. And I have news for the losers at five and their loser consultants who tell them to pull this crap. Phelps county is blacked out on the Rolla and Salem cable systems in order to protect their primary stations in Columbia and Jefferson City.

So tell us KSDcrap why do you put these disgusting images over what we are trying to watch? No one in their right mind cares about a tornado watch for a town of 15 thousand that is 90 miles away. I'll tell you why they do this. They have been told by some over-priced consultant that this will hype their news ratings at ten o'clock. So, guess what? Instead of being able to enjoy the program that channel five is getting paid to carry by NBC, we get to watch their large annoying boring images for an hour. Hey snooze channel we're not stupid we get it after about ten seconds. Instead of leaving up your graphic just run a crawl across the screen every 15 minutes or so.

The only other option open to us is to tell the local advertisers on KSDK you will not buy their products they advertise with this sleaze bag of a TV station.