May 31, 2008

My "Project" Is Complete

The project I have been working on is complete. Actually, it wasn’t so much a project as the chance to get away from work for a week. I spent it in one of my favorite destinations...Las Vegas.

I was ready for it. I had burnt out in my job and little things were becoming big things. I knew I was ready for some time off about a month ago but I was too stubborn to take a day of vacation. I guess the thing that told me I needed to get away was snapping at my boss not once but twice. Fortunately for me (I hope) was that he just took it in stride and let it roll off his back. Are things at work that bad? No not really. It was just after going five months with only one day off I was letting fools get to me and I was sinking to their level. This included both customers and co-workers.

So, the trip was a success for me both mentally and in a monetary way. I got lucky playing Black Jack in four lengthy sessions and only lost part of it back betting on sports teams.

Perhaps the highlight of the trip was going to Zion National Park. It is about 160 miles northeast of Las Vegas in Utah. I had heard it was spectacular and it lived up my expectations. It is comprised of sheer cliffs that go straight up from the floor of the canyons for over five thousand feet. And the vistas are breath taking. There is an area that impressed me more than any of the others named The Big Bend. If you’ve ever seen the movie The Electric Horseman part of it was filmed there.

So, that’s why I haven’t written much lately. I will share more when I have additional time. I will also have more for you on a post I did earlier this month titled “Trouble at a local radio station”.

May 29, 2008

I'm Still Here

I am around, but haven't had much chance to post lately. I am in the middle of a project and will tell you more about it when I can.

I am still reading, listening and watching and there are a lot of interesting things going on in the local media. The most unprofessional, abusive and irresponsible by the so called TV station weather "experts". I will post when I have more time.

May 11, 2008

Spring...Where Are You?

This is the winter that just wont give up. It has rained more in the last four weeks than it did all last summer. And the temperature is cool enough that the furnace is running each morning when I get up.

I also realized while it is almost the middle of May I have mowed my lawn just twice this year. Usually I start mowing it the first week of April and continue until fall. But, not this year. I hope when it does warm up we don't go straight from 50 and 60 degree days to 90 degree days.

Trouble at a Local Radio Station

The purpose of this blog is to provide a forum for criticism of the news media (especially the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, hence the name "The Anti-Post").

But, the Post isn't the only newspaper in the St. Louis area. The Riverfront Times is the local "alternative" paper. This week it has a critical article about the St. Louis NPR affiliate's general manager.

If you would like to read the article about KWMU and Patty Wente please click here.