April 30, 2024

Keeping the Streak Alive

April has been a good month.  Now, that isn't exactly earthshaking news or opinion.  But, the main reason for this particular post is to keep my consecutive streak of publishing every month ongoing.  I started this blog in May 2005 and in the past 19 years have written about many things ranging from piss poor journalism, to sports, to politics and whatever else moved me.

So, here is the 228th consecutive monthly post.  Yes, April was a good month for the most part, but I was tied up with a lot of doctor appointments and diagnostics.  I am battling chronic kidney disease and heart disease.  My kidneys are all but shot and they have impacted my heart and put me into atrial fibrillation.  Who, knew when I started this blog I would be writing about old man health care issues?  I will write more about my chronic kidney disease in the coming days.  But, I will tell you I am on the kidney transplant list at a local teaching hospital.  And the cardiology issues are being followed by a very good doctor.

My health kept me busy, but I also started working the scoreboard again at the high school from which I graduated almost 53 years ago.  I enjoy the job, the school district, AD, and staff treat me better than I deserve and it gives me something to do with my spare time.  And, they pay me for it.  It's a win-win!

I should have more free time next month, giving me more time to write.  Thanks for reading and keep your eyes posted for updates.

March 31, 2024

Happy Easter to You and Yours!

Happy Easter to you and your family!  Christ is Arisen this day and his resurrection has changed the world forever!  Knowing that Christ has made the ultimate sacrifice means we will live with him forever in Heaven.

Christ is Risen!  He is Risen Indeed!  Alleluia!

March 19, 2024

Happy First Day of Spring

It's been several weeks since I last wrote, but in that time the long cold wet winter has started to give way to warmer temperatures and more sunshine where I live.  And, because I am anemic, the warmer weather makes me a happy camper.

Now, I can get out and work in my yard without having to wear a winter parka, gloves, and layers of clothing under the winter coat.

It's supposed to be cold tomorrow and Sunday (in the lower 50's) but
then a gradual warm up is expected as next week progresses.  Happy
Spring to you!

February 11, 2024

Super Hype Bowl

Jerry Jones - Grumpy Ass Old Billionaire
While you're watching the greatest most super duper football game of all time, I'll be enjoying dinner and then watching a movie.

It's not that I don't like football...I do.  It's just that I have no use for the NFL (No Fan Loyalty). I love college football and if you read this blog you know I'm a huge fan of the Missouri Tigers.

But, I can no longer tolerate the NFL and it's pompous owners.  Twice, I invested my time, money and loyalties in St. Louis NFL franchises.  And twice, the NFL pulled the rug out from under my feet.  What's most frustrating is both of those franchises, the Cardinals and Rams, were extremely well supported even through numerous crappy seasons due to ownership mismanagement.  And then the league's owners told the teams they could move away and screw St. Louis.

So you can see why I could care less about the Super Bowl and all of the hype that goes with it.  I also have a hard time watching all of the PC bullshit the league parades before the American public as if it really gives a shit.  My take on it is, there are 32 billionaires trying to show low and middle income fans how much they care about you.  They don't care about you and they don't care about me.  All they care about is getting even richer at the expense of the poor working stiff.

So, while the NFL propaganda machine is working overtime I'll be grilling steaks and watching something enjoyable.  The NFL can kiss my ass.

January 01, 2024

Happy New Year!

Happy 2024!  I hope this year brings peace, health, happiness and prosperity to you.  May it bring you the best of everything!