November 04, 2012

Just a Thought

So please tell me why is it that when the government keeps preaching "diversity" are we still using this archaic two party system?

There is an election for the United States Senate where I live this year.  The democratic incumbent, Claire McCaskill has done absolutely nothing to distinguish herself in six years.  She has used campaign ads to sell her strong suit as mediocrity; ranking 50th of 100 in votes as rated by some obscure organization.

Her Republican opponent is an idiot who apparently runs his mouth before engaging his brain.  His name is Todd Akin and he made the comment back in July that a woman can not get pregnant from a "legitimate rape".  WTH?

I won't vote for either of these candidates.  Unfortunately the two party system will guarantee one of them victory.  Isn't it really time to be diverse and make it easier for other parties to get on the ballot and break up this two party stranglehold?

Belated Congratulations to the San Francisco Giants

Congratulations to the San Francisco Giants and their organization on winning the 2012 World Series.  The Giants not only won the Series but totally dominated the Detroit Tigers, sweeping the Series four games to none.  If you are a regular reader you know I picked the Tigers to win in a post prior to the start of the World Series.  Wow, I couldn't have been more wrong.  To the Giant faithful I apologize and to the Tiger loyalists I am sorry to have jinxed your Tigers.

And now that the 2012 Season has come to a conclusion I will say what others have said previously..."Baseball leaves you when you need it the most".