December 30, 2005

How Bout Them Tigers!!!

My beloved Tigers won the Independence Bowl this afternoon. They beat the South Carolina Gamecocks 38-31! But what makes it even more impressive is the Tigers coming from a 28-7 deficit to win the game!

Brad Smith the Tigers QB was awesome! He had over 400 total yards of offense but even more impressively was his performance in the second half. He threw for a touchdown and ran for two more as the Tigers won their first bowl game since 1998.

As a Tiger Fan I am willing to give coach Gary Pinkel another year at the helm. He and his staff certainly adjusted at halftime today to win the bowl game. And with 17 of 22 starters returning I can hardly wait for the new college football season to begin! Yes, Mizzou will lose Brad Smith but Chase Daniel will get er done against the rest of the Big 12.

So to wrap this up congratulations to the Tigers, Gary Pinkel and Brad Smith and the defense that played one heck of a game in the second half!


December 26, 2005

How was your Christmas?

I can't believe it but Christmas has come and gone. I had a great time at my sister and brother in law's home and playing with the little ones. The two two-year olds make me feel young and had me on the floor romping with them. And then add in my four year old great nephew Nate and we had a ball with all of his new Christmas toys.

Christmas day was still good even though I got sideswiped by a little 19 year old bimbo who thought she owned the road. Good thing there's insurance, because her insurer is going to pay to buy me a new side view mirror.

And today was a legal holiday, but it could have been a regular day. (You know, no mail or any other services, but still a good day). This evening I went to Southpaw's to watch MNF and it was kind of bittersweet. Now, you know how much I love football. But, it was the last game of the season, but also the final game of ABC's 36 year run. I can remember being in high school in 1969 when MNF first started. I am sorry to see it go, but then, life goes on.

I hope you had a great Christmas and hope you got everything you wished for!

December 21, 2005


I thought about posting this in huge type face, because that is what I have become. I stepped on a scale this afternoon and it topped out at 285 pounds. I about crapped. Just six months ago I was right about the 262 level.

I know how it happened but didn't pay much attention to it. I have been eating most everything I want and drinking most everything too without much regard for my weight. And boom it's like, hey fat-ass guess how much you weigh? Two Hundred and Eighty Five freakin pounds!

I guess you will see this fatso walking around the neighborhood quite a bit. So, what have I done since seeing this startling number? I have had about five chocolate chip cookies and a couple handfuls of peanuts. Real Healthy stuff, huh? Man, I hate losing weight, but after the holidays are over I will do it because I have to. I am not real happy right now!

P.S I just ran the spell checker on this and guess what work it wanted to use for "freakin". It suggested "foreskin"! :-)

December 20, 2005

Damon to the Yankees

The New York Yankees have signed Johnny Damon of the Boston Red Sox to a four year $52 million dollar contract. I guess for Damon it's great. But, for the rest of the world of baseball it is just another brick in the wall.

George Steinbrenner continues to throw money around like he is made of it. Come to think of it he is. But, no other team in major league baseball has the resources of the Yankees. And the bigger problem is the rich get richer, because greedy bums like Steinbrenner don't share any of their multi-bazillion TV contracts with the small market franchises like those in Kansas City or Cincinnati. But, you really can't blame George since there are no salary caps or revenue sharing agreements. And who you ask is responsible for this? Why it's Bud Selig the "commissioner" of Major League Baseball. But Bud is clueless and has been sleeping on the job for the past ten years. So don't expect him to wake up any time soon. Until, he does, the so called "national pastime will continue to play in the shadow of the NFL. And what you might ask are Bud's credentials for being the commissioner? He was a used car salesman in Milwaukee. And now because MLB has such brilliant owners he is now the whipping boy of George Steinbrenner and the owners of the other 29 teams in major league baseball. Aaarrgh!

December 19, 2005

Dubya takes it to the masses

Three times now in the last three days George W. Bush has taken the offensive and supported his action of listening to the phone calls of Americans without court orders. First in his radio address to the American people on Saturday, last night in a televised address from the Oval office and then today to news media at the White House. And I learned that it was only calls going from the US to foreign countries and not internal calls as initially reported by the networks and wire services. If this is the case and the government is still going to the courts for internal wiretaps then I have no problem with it.

Bush also seems to relish the point of attacking the Senate for trying to kill renewal of the Patriot Act. And he is certainly on the offensive naming Democratic senators from California, New York and Nevada for their actions. He almost has them looking un-patriotic! And from my point of view they need to give the administration what it needs at this point to stop Al Queda.

Bush last night sucked it up and admitted his intelligence was faulty for entering Iraq two and a half years ago, but he has done such a fine job of telling the need to wrap up his war in Iraq that I am now convinced we should stay there awhile longer and try to finish the job. But I think we need to go in and fight it as a war and not a police action. Our troops are NOT policemen. They are soldiers. And as such just let them do their jobs! The rest will take care of itself. Maybe the Iraqis will figure it out on their own, but they have to step up to the plate too and take responsibility for their own security against their own internal enemies. Then we can continue to fight the battle against our real enemy...Al Queda.

In another note....G.W. Apparently has a pretty good sense of humor when dealing with the media. Several times at the news conference this morning, he poked good nature fun at the media. And maybe the media types in D.C. can learn not to take themselves so seriously.

Finally, I had on the Fox New Channel when I was watching the news conference. When it was done they attempted to do what all network talking heads do...give an instant replay and summation of what was just said. (Where this comes from I dont know, but they certainly insult the intelligence of many Americans with their "instant analysis. I saw it. I dont need you to try and spin it with your point of view)! But, back to the Fox News set, they had some fat pompous ass come on and try to spin the session his way. I dont know who this fat jackass is, but I have never heard of him before and certainly wont care if I dont have to listen to him again! Hey Fox nobody cares what this guy or any other self appointed guru has to say after a speech from the Prez. We get it and can figure it out for ourselves.

December 11, 2005

No one here cares!

We have some really mediocre TV stations in Saint Louis. But, the the worst excuse for local news is the NBC affiliate KSDK. The station has a really nasty habit of putting up weather graphics while you are trying to watch network programming. And never mind that they will break into a network show with out the least worry. KSDK is not alone in mediocrity. KTVI the fox affiliate has a weather man named Dave Murray. This guy should have been a clown. He couldn't hit a forecast to save his life. But, when a cloud comes over he wants to break into prime time programming and run on ad nauseum until he has worn out his topic. (For the record, this guy was run out of Boston because he was so poor in forecasting the weather)!

What is most annoying though is the local stations' attitude, that they have the God given right to put crap on the screen or minimize the actual viewing area so they can put storm warnings, school closings and lost kid alerts. This is particularly annoying to viewers who tuned in for one reason only, to see network programming. The TV stations attitude seems to be the public be da^&ed.

I agree that severe weather like tornados and extremly strong thunder storms are important. But why do they persist in putting up their crap on the screen for storms that are 100 miles south of Saint Louis or 100 miles northeast of Saint Louis. The viewers in these communities can not get the local signal off air, and federal regulation blacks out the St. Louis station in favor of their local TV stations.

The bottom line is the stations have spent about a bazillion dollars on this Doppler radar stuff and want to show it off and impress their viewers. Hey we're NOT impressed. We would be more impressed if you would just run the show you're supposed to and not put your junk on our television sets!

I watched a recorded version of the show ER this morning on the 32 inch TV screen. But, with the school closings for schools 60 to 80 miles away on the night I recorded, I ended up watching what amounted to about 17 inches of screen. Shame on you KSDK! And for the other Saint Louis stations; you are just as guilty. Bottom line stop it! No on wants to see school closings and severe weather warnings for cities 80 to 100 miles away. No one here cares!

December 10, 2005

Bunch of Thieves

I got my bill from Laclede Gas for November several days ago and all I can say is Aaaarrrgghh!

117 dollars is what these thieves want for the month of November when temperatures really weren't all that cold. I know that natural gas is more expensive because of production problems associated with Hurricane Katrina. But, 117 dollars for a half way warm month?

The gas company answers to the Missouri Public Service Commission (another bunch of morons) and has to get it's rates approved. But how can it be this high? I will call the gas company when I have an hour to kill because that's about how long it has taken in the past with their fine customer service representatives. I can see it now. By January I will get a bill asking me on one line how much money I have. And then on the next line it will say something like "... Please send it in". Aaaaaaaaaarrgghh!!!

Take out the trash

My alma mater has a problem. It has a basketball coach who can't coach. His name is Quin Snyder. He can't coach. He can't recruit and apparently he is unable to improve.

This afternoon my alma mater, Missouri, nearly lost to a low ranked Division I school. The Tigers did win the game 82-81, but had Texas A&M-Corpus Christi played the last two minutes properly they would have won the game.

I have not been a fan of Snyder's for quite some time. But, now it is time to remove Snyder from his job. He has to Not at the end of the! Today's game is just another embarrassing performance from a once proud program. It's time to take out the trash.

November 24, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving America

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone who is reading this. I hope that you and your family have a terrific day and take time to count your blessings. I for one consider myself fortunate just to be able to wake up every morning and put my feet on the floor and walk. I also am thankful for my family, my friends, my job, and for being able to live in the richest country in the world. I have done nothing to deserve this but have been richly blessed by God Almighty. Thank You!!

Now having said that I have something on my mind I need to address. It is time to get our troops out of Iraq and bring them home. I know this makes me unpatriotic according to our vice president Dick Cheney. All I can say is he is entitled to his opinion but he is wrong. It is time to stop sending innocent young men and women to slaughter because we made a mistake two and a half years ago in attacking Iraq. I voted for George Bush, Jr the first time around and thought he was the lesser of two evils at the time. But, last year I voted for a Democrat for president for the first time in my life. And I still think Mr. Kerry would have done a better job of running things. Mr. Bush and his advisors (yes, they are running this nation) just don't get it. Iraq is not the enemy. It's Al-Queada. So, why are we still in Iraq fighting a third world nation. Sure, we want their oil, but we could have that without fighting a war. The economics would win out over the bullets. So, why are we there. Because, the Bush administration had no exit strategy when it started this war. We should have all of our troops home by now. And the administration's statement that leaving would be a win for the terrorists is just a lie. It's pure and simple bull hockey. The administration tells us at the same time we are fighting the war on terrorism in Afghanistan and other middle east nations. So, President Bush here is the bottom line. Let's get Osama Bin-Laden and stop the terrorists. And at the same time, let's re-assign our resources to fighting that war on terrorism and not some third rate country that will be out of oil and worthless to us in another 50 years.

Finally, I am thankful for having the right to freely express myself without fear of reprisal as I just did in the paragraph above this one. Thanks for reading it and again Happy Thanksgiving!

November 20, 2005

Two steps forward...One step back

Missouri's football team just doesn't have that killer instinct. The Tigers were up by two touchdowns in the fourth quarter against Kansas State yesterday and they blew the game. The final was 36-28, but it was really much closer than that. And congratulations to Brad Smith, even though he made one of the dumbest plays you have ever seen late in the fourth quarter when the Tigers still had a chance to win. Brad becomes the first player in NCAA history to run for four thousand yards and pass for eight thousand yards in a career.

Mizzou ends the season at 6-5 and the final game loss hurts. But at least it will be heading to a bowl. Granted it will be a very small bowl, but still it's post season play and the seniors will get one more chance to prove themselves.

November 15, 2005

Quin must go

Quin Snyder has to go. The Tigers lost last night to Sam Houston State in the first round of the NIT. No one should lose to Sam Houston State when they have the resources that Missouri has! I don't mean to knock Sam Houston because they played a great game. But Mizzou on the other hand...they stunk.

Quin, who now wants the media to call him "Coach" Snyder, better be more concerned with winning ballgames. But, he is lame and weak. He doesn't recruit his needs and he is a week strategist and sideline coach while the games are being played.

So, here's the bottom line. It's time to tell Quin goodbye and get a new basketball coach who has some experience and who isn't interested in partying with the co-eds. The Tigers have gone from being one of the top programs in the country to a laughing stock. Wake up Mike Alden!

November 14, 2005

Bowl Bound and Winning...Get Used to It!

My beloved Missouri Tigers are now bowl eligible thanks to the Baylor Bears. The Tigers won the game easily yesterday and now can end up either 7-4 or 6-5 depending on how they do against Kansas State next weekend. The Tigers are the better team but I don't know if they have the killer instinct to win on the road yet.

...While I am thinking of it props to my man GP who got me tickts for the game yesterday and for that matter all of the games I saw this season. And to his wife PP who was very gracious after the game at their home. It's good to be able to count the P's as such generous and gracious friends!

...Finally, the funniest thing I heard at the stadium all day was when a co-ed came through selling bottled water while it was pouring down rain the first quarter. She "get your crystal clear bottled water here". Fan, " I dont need to pay for any bottled water. The water hitting me in the head is free". She..."yes, but it's acid rain".

November 11, 2005

I love fall golf

Happy Veterans Day to all of you guys who put up with the military. You're much tougher than I am.

Anyway, I took the day off to play in a four man scramble. We didn't win but we did OK. And it was a great time of the year to be outside whacking the ball around. The beer was good too. Life is good!

October 31, 2005

Post-Dispatch = Piece of Crap

Tell me something oh mediocre Saint Louis daily newspaper. Who the hell is calling the shots on your sports desk?

Last Saturday Missouri beats up on Nebraska and that joke of a newspaper, the St. Louis-Post Dispatch puts the game story below the fold on the front of the sports section. Now, keep in mind that there are more graduates and alum of Missouri in the St. Louis region than anywhere in the world. Saturday Mizzou goes out to Lawrence, Kansas and falls flat on it's face in a horrible 13-3 loss. So, where does the lamo newspaper put the story? Yep, you guessed it. The story goes smack dab on top of the Sports section for all the world to see what a miserable day the Tigers had against the Gayhawks.

It wouldn't be so bad if this was a one time occurrence, but there appears to be an ongoing pattern at the Post-Dispatch. When the Tigers do well the paper wants to bury the story. And when they do poorly or the program has a problem the story gets put on the top of the sports section. Come on Post-Dispatch get some integrity!

October 26, 2005

Hail to the White Sox

Congratulations to the Chicago White Sox. They swept the Houston Astros and are now World Champions. I would have preferred the Cardinals in the series to the 'Stros, but I am not sure of how much better the Cardinals would have done. That White Sox pitching was devestating.

Great job by manager Ozzie Guillen and his ballclub.

October 23, 2005

Tigers Rip Nebraska

It was a beautiful fall afternoon as the Missouri Tigers beat the Nebraska Cornhuskers for the second time in as many tries at Faurot Field. Actually, the Tigers have lost like all but two of their last 35 but it was sweet to be in Columbia and watch the Tigers dominate a Nebraska squad that seemed clueless at times.

The final was 41-24, the exact same score as two years ago.

One other thought...the students could have waited until the end of the season to tear down the goal posts, but I guess everyone got caught up in the excitement of seeing the Huskers get spanked.

October 20, 2005

RIP 2005 Redbirds

Goodbye Cardinals, I will miss you. You're gone until next year, but you were wonderful this year. There is an old saying that baseball leaves you when you need it most.

Well, the loss to the Astros finished the season last night..but this team wont soon be forgotten with the likes of Albert Pujols, David Eckstein, Jim Edmonds, Reggie Sanders, Larry Walker, Scott Carpenter, Mike Mulder and Izzy playing for it. 100 win seasons don't come along very often. So congrats to the Cardinals on a grear year.

And in a sadder note that means Busch Stadium will meet the wrecking ball about two weeks earlier than planned. As I've said before there was nothing wrong with the original Busch Stadium. The new stadium is a monument to the greed of Bill DeWitt and his limited partners.

Farewell Redbirds until next March.

October 18, 2005

That Ball is Still Flying

Talk about a dramatic finish. The Cardinals were down to their final swing when David Eckstein chipped a base hit to right and then Jim Edmonds coaxed a walk from Brad Lidge.

With two outs mighty Albert Pujols stepped in and took the second pitch from Lidge deep into the Texas night. I believe that ball would still be climbing had the roof on that cracker jack ballpark been open. Like the quote in "Bull Durham",.."Anything that goes that far should have a stewardess on it"!

I can't wait for Wednesday night and hope that Albert's homer energizes the Cardinals to win the final two and make it to the World Series.

October 15, 2005

Mizzou - RAH!!!

How 'bout them Tigers! They were down to Iowa State this p.m by ten points with less than six minutes to play and Brad Smith and company pulled it out in overtime! What a great day and what a great time at Faurot Field. I am psyched and will be there next Saturday when Nebraska comes to town. MIZ ZOU RAH!!!

October 11, 2005

Two Down and None to go

And then there were none. The Los Angeles Angels did baseball a huge favor last night by knocking the NY Yankees out of the playoffs. The highest paid team in baseball could not get past the superior pitching of the Angels. The Angels will now take on the White Sox starting this evening in Chicago.

And you know what is even greater about all of this? No East Coast teams in post season play. The four remaining teams are in the Central and Pacific time zones. I'll bet MLB and Fox execs are crying their little hearts out. I can hear it now " Yankees or Red Sox, whatever will we do"?

Tough it out boys. You asked millions of Cardinal fans to stay up until 1:30 a.m. Sunday morning because you didn't care enough to show the very best. There is justice!

October 08, 2005

New Look...same old paper

I've been meaning to write this for about a month now, but the St. Louis Post-Dispatch has re-designed itself. The Post has new graphics and is attempting to re-invent itself.

But, it's the same old rag. The paper is still mediocre at best, but now it looks like the South County Journal. (The South County journal is a twice weekly suburban throw away).

You can change the look of the rag, but it's still the same old Post-Distate.

MLB has no integrity

Three years ago the Cardinals played the AZ Diamondbacks in the first round of Major League Baseball's playoff. Long story short FOX and MLB decided it was okay to start a game at ten p.m. Saint Louis time. Shortly thereafter MLB got ripped by St. Louis media, and in a big show commissioner Bud Selig said "we will not do this again. It is not fair to the fans, especially to children who are not able to see the game. And children are the future of the game".

Well guess what? The Cardinals are playing the San Diego Padres tonight in San Diego. The starting time is 10:09 p.m. And if you want to watch the game you have to watch it on the biased East Coast Sports Network.

Gee Bud, did you forget what you said three years ago? Bud, let's tell it like it is. You are just a miserable liar, and you are getting bad advice from your staff. Whoever advised you to make this move with the ten p.m. starting time should be fired. Bud, I know you made your living as a car salesman so being a pathological liar is probably not a big deal to you. But, it is a big deal to hundreds of thousands of Cardinal fans!

October 07, 2005

One Down and One to Go

Good bye Red Sox! See you next year. The Chicago White Sox swept the Boston Red Sox this afternoon in ancient Fenway Park. The Boston club had been hyped by east coast media types as one of the best teams in the game. But, anyone who watched the team all season, knew they had some problems they couldn't get past. Namely their pitching and mediocre defense. The Red Sox bullpen was always an adventure during the regular season. So to me it comes as no surprise that they wont be defending last year's World Series title.

Now if the Los Angeles Angels can just knock the New York Yankees out of the playoffs...

October 05, 2005

Say What ?!?!

I have always thought of ESPN sportscaster Chris Berman as little more than a TV sports anchor type. And he seems to lack a knowledge of some of the things he is assigned to cover. I guess that is why ESPN leaves him in the studio rather than sending him out in the field.

Except this week the East Coast Sports Network has him covering the White Sox - Red Sox playoff series. His play by play is mediocre and he sounds more like a Red Sox fan who has only been to a few games this year. I have also perceived him as someone who rarely goes west of the Hudson and believe his favorite team to be either the Red Sox or the Yankees. Well, tonight on a national cable cast Boomer's true colors came through.

With a runner in scoring position there was a ground ball hit to the Red Sox second baseman who could have turned a double play. Instead, the ball went through his legs into right field and a run scored. And how did this alleged professional Berman call the play you ask? As the ball rolled into the outfield Berman responded with these two words..."Oh No"!

I would say that is a Red Sock fan. Come on MLB and ESPN get your act together. This isn't the Manhattan cable channel this is a national stage. Get someone who knows the game and can call the game impartially. And while you're at it how about showing someone besides the Yankees or Red Sox in prime time.

Can the Three Stooges

Saturday I wrote it's time for the University of Missouri to take out the trash and fire it's football coach Gary Pinkel. Pinkel apparently is either unwilling or unable to get his players to follow his game plan and as a result Texas bombed the Tigers 52-21. But you say, Texas is number two in the country. I say so what. Missouri played them better in Austin last year than they did this year in Columbia. The program is not improving and the talent does not seem to be getting any better either. We've changed coaches every five years for the past three decades and nothing seems to improve. This time let's get rid of Pinkel, spend some money and get the coach that it takes to turn the program around. And yes, I am willing to make a contribution.

While we're at it let's get rid of Athletic Director Mike Alden. Alden hired Pinkel and our loser basketball coach Quinn Snyder. What has Alden done to earn his money? I can think of several people who could have done the job for a lot less. Let's get a new AD who can hire some winners.

And finally while we are cleaning house let's get a basketball coach with a little experience. Snyder seems clueless during the game when he has to make moves and match up against other Big XII coaches. He is a terrible game coach and his recruiting seems to have gone down the tubes. Let's pull the plug on these three stooges and move on.

October 01, 2005

A bad loss but still a good day

Some thoughts on today...

Gary Pinkel better get his resumé updated. After the 52-21 loss to Texas he is becoming an embarrassment to the University of Missouri. The program is not improving. It's time to take out the trash.

But, on the good side S, K, B & myself had a good time playing in the four man scramble. It was a great day to be outside hitting the little white ball and laughing it up. I think the high was about 75 degrees and there was a light breeze all day. The tournament was for charity and those are always fun. And the people who put it on did a tremendous job of doing all the right things that make scrambles the blast they are. And the bottom line is they raised a lot of money. A tip of the hat to the organizers!

It's October

Hello it's my favorite month of the year and the weather is spectacular. It's a big day. I am playing in a four man scramble this afternoon and the Tigers are playing Texas. We'll see how things turn out, but I am really psyched!

September 30, 2005

Where did it go?

So What happened to September? It is one of my favorite months of the year with the start of football season and generally cooler temperatures. Well I'll be darned if I know where it went. I saw the Rams play three games and watched the Tigers win two and lose one. And I even got up to Columbia to see them whoop up on a really lame Troy University team. But, I don't know where the rest of it went. I also watched the Cardinals clinch another division title. But, I still dont know where it went.

I know I saw a lot of sad pictures of what used to be homes in Southern Mississippi and Louisiana and I gave my money to the Salvation Army and not to the American Red Cross, because the Red Cross is bloated by a bunch of bureaucrats. I also know a second hurricane came in late in the month but did not do the damage that Katrina did at the end of August.

I don't know who gets credit for the phrase because I have heard it since I was little. But,..."Life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes".

September 27, 2005

Media Morons in Missouri

And the winner of the Idiot of the Month award goes to Saint Louis' self proclaimed "News Channel" Five, or it's more realistic name: "Idiot Channel Five"

A new TV season is upon us and St. Louis' Idiot Channel (and the rest of the TV morons who pass themselves off as weather experts) has again taken to interrupting prime time programming to put up crappy graphics warning of thunderstorms a hundred miles away. Yep, just when a good show like "The West Wing" gets to a critical moment the local "meteorologist" will break in and tell you about the severe thunderstorm warning issued for a county literally 95 miles away. Never mind the fact that the people in that county can't see these warnings or infinite crawls at the bottom of the screen because they are too far away. And keep in mind the fact that the government makes the local cable or satellite carriers black out Saint Louis stations in favor of this county's local affiliates.

I don't know what is more maddening. The arrogance of the consultants who urge Idiot Channel Five and their Tv brethren to put up these lame ass warnings or the station execs wanting to show off their expensive weather toys.

So, TV managers here it is: wake up! If there is a tornado that is about to hit my house let me know. Otherwise keep your crap and weather promotions off of my television set while I am watching a network program.

September 17, 2005


It was a great day! I went up to Mecca (Columbia,Mo) for the Mizzou - Troy football game. The Tigers kicked butt and took names winning by a 51-20 count. Brad Smith may be the most under-rated quarterback in the nation because he plays for a dumb ass head coach. But, even coach Gary Pinkel couldn't screw up today's game. We'll see how good he is in two weeks when the Texas Longhorns come to Columbia.

I had the chance to get re-acquainted with friends I worked with back in the 80's and we drank beer, caught up on what everyone had been doing and then drank some more beer, then tailgated and then drank some more beer. What a great day! I had a blast.

September 06, 2005

Inconsiderate Parents

I have been on PTO (that translates into vacation) this week and have been loving life again. But, one thing I can't understand is why parents turn their small children loose while they dine in one area of a restaurant and then turn the kids loose on the people dining outside. A buddy of mine (R) and I got together for a few beers and dinner at a mid county bar/restaurant. It took about 30 seconds to realize that the parents did not want to be disturbed by their own offspring, so they turned them loose and they ended up in the "beer garden" where we were sitting because it was a great night to be outside. It was like drinking beer in "Romper-Room", but there was no adult authority figure around to control the little brats. Just a pack of wild children ranging age from age two to about eleven. If I had owned the restaurant I might have made the following announcement. "Attention parents. You are responsible for your children. If you can not control them please pay now and leave and don't ever comeback". I really do like most kids but I have no use for worthless asshole parents who think the bar and it's patrons will keep an eye on their little shitheads. And you just know if one of them had fallen or got hurt, who would have been responsible for the parent's negligence. Oh, well they finally left and more than one person made the comment "good riddance".

September 03, 2005

Christmas Day!

Today is the first day of college football season and I am as happy as a kid at Christmas time with many presents. My presents are all of the games to be played this fall. Woohoo!!

And to top it off my beloved and sometimes hated Missouri Tigers have already won and are on their way to a fantastic season. Well that is my hope every new season! The Tigers went up to Arrowhead Stadium in Kansas City and beat up on an inferior Arkansas State team 44-17. But, still a win is a win. Next week will be a better test when they play New Mexico. But, for now woohoo! It's Christmas Day! Merry Christmas!

September 02, 2005

Help for the victims

I am having a problem with not being able to do more to help out the victims of Katrina. I have made monetary donations to the Salvation Army. I personally believe they are the most responsible agency working in the damaged gulf coast region. I also believe the American Red Cross and United Way are bloated with large management salaries and that they are more interested in preserving their management's life styles over helping poor people. For just $100 you can feed a family of four for two days, buy several cases of bottled water and provide them with a home clean up kit. To contribute to the Salvation Army click this link.

Like I said I have given money, but I keep seeing pictures of these homeless refugees on the news and think I should be doing more. If you have any ideas on what you and others are doing to help out besides giving money let me know.

So that's a catastrophe too?

I wondered how long it would take before some football announcer would use the word catastrophe in describing a fumble or turnover in some early season football game.

It took all of about ten minutes. I was watching the Oregon/Houston game from Reliant Field in Houston and the ESPN no brain calling the game said..."If he had not held onto the ball that would have been a catastrophe".

I can't recall the bozo's name but I wonder what the thousands and thousands of displaced residents of the Gulf Coast would think of his idea of a catastrophe? It's unbelievable that someone at ESPN didn't warn their announcers not to use this term. Idiots

August 12, 2005

...and I need a life

After posting the previous message and telling you how boring pre-season football is...I ended up watching the rest of the game starting late in the second quarter. In case you wonder, the Rams beat the Bears 17-13. Yes, it was dull but it was more interesting than channel surfing all night. Gee, I am pathetic. I had plans, (yes, I really did) and they fell through. Then I had a backup set of plans but I just didn't feel like fighting traffic after this long two day work week. Oh, well to paraphrase Scarlet O'Hara...there's always tomorrow.

NFL Pre-Season Football

It's Friday night and I am flipping channels on the TV. As I come upon the local Fox affiliate I see the Saint Louis Rams and Chicago Bears playing their first pre-season "exhibition" game. What is more worthless than pre-season football? Well the only thing I can think of is the Rams and all other NFL teams requiring their season ticket holders to pay full price for these worthless games. I may have said it before but sports is nothing but big business.

And to top it off one of the world's nicest guys but worst play-by-play announcers is doing the game. Jay Randolph himself is calling the game for the Rams. "Indeed, Indeed". If you need an explanation of that post something and let me know.

August 10, 2005

RIP Peter Jennings

Peter Jennings will be missed. I do not watch TV news in general because I believe it to be shallow. But, when I did I had gotten to the point where I would watch ABC's World News Tonight with Peter Jennings because it was more balanced than NBC's or CBS's evening newscasts.

I just learned Mr. Jennings never graduated high school, but you would have never known it. I particularly remember him ushering in the new Millennium with his coverage of the New Year coming to various world Capitols on New Year's Eve 1999.

My condolences to the Jennings family and the Jennings children in particular. Peter Jennings is gone but will not be soon forgotten.

I'm Going Back to Work

Well it's been a great three days of PTO (Personal Time Off) but tomorrow I am going back to work. I have the next two days scheduled off but with the heat and humidity and people not wanting to get outside I might as well work.

Monday was a good day I drove to Southern Illinois to see the campus of SIU (Southern Illinois University). It is much larger than I expected, but then it's enrollment is larger than my Alma Mater (University of Missouri). I visited the main library, the football stadium and the basketball arena. (I guess that shows my interests, huh)? I then left Carbondale and headed east through the towns of Crab Orchard Lake and Marion. Highway 13 looks like a long strip mall between the communities. But, the lake was much wider than I expected. The lake is probably two miles wide from what I saw. And, it looks like maybe a good place to build a summer home. Marion is the home of a large maximum security prison, but you would never know it. It looks like a thriving town based on all of the stores and businesses I saw. I guess the state of Illinois is spending quite a bit of money at the college and the prison and the locals have benefited. I made it back to the Saint Louis area about seven in the evening and went to one of my favorite, and possibly St. Louis' neatest watering hole. The name of the bar is Fast Eddie's Bon Air. The beer is cold and the food is cheap. After this long day I made it home and slept very well.

Tuesday the neighbor across the street HM and I went to lunch. HM worked for years as a sales rep and knows all of the best restaurants and bars in Saint Louis. The restaurant we visited was called Cunettos and it was excellent. It's on the hill (the city's Italian neighborhood) and the service was excellent as was the food. I had a baked Lasagna and a couple of Michelobs. HM had a fancy salad and a VO Manhattan. It was a good time. After that I played golf at Quail Creek. I had my best round ever at the course turning in a 44 for nine holes. As I have said before I am a terrible golfer, so to shoot a 44 and have my best round ever was worth celebrating. I went down to the Casino Queen and played blackjack for several hours. After all that I broke even.

Finally, today I went to see my grand nephews and they were as much fun as ever to be around. But, their other Grandma (Ma-Ma) picked them up and they left at noon. So, we celebrated Grandma's birthday (my baby sister) with a big Chinese lunch. If you ever want a pick me up get down on the floor with a four year old and a two year old. I guarantee you will come out of it feeling great!

All in all a good vacation!

August 02, 2005

Baseball in General

Welcome to the Baseball Hall of Fame Ryan Sandberg and Wade Boggs! I saw both of play during their prime and both are well deserving of the honor. Sandberg was always a Cardinal killer and his 1984 season was unbelievable. He carried the Cubs to the playoffs on his back.

I saw Boggs play against the KC Royals on several occasions and he had as sweet a swing as you can imagine. He had some problems with womanizing but who really cares. He had three thousand hits and deserves to be in the Hall.

Both Boggs and Sandberg chastised today's players on their greed. The criticism from both was well justified.

Along those same lines Rafael Palmiero screwed up. He too has 3000 hits as well as 500+ Home Runs. But, he will have a problem with the purists in getting into the Hall. Does he belong there? Probably. But will he get in on the first ballot five years after he retires? Probably not. I think there will be issues with how many of those home runs made it out of the parks based on how many were hit with steroids. Time will tell

July 15, 2005

The All Star Game sucks

The baseball All-Star Game sucks! Who cares who wins it? It's only an exhibition game at best.

But, for the past two years the bozos at Fox Network have wanted it to mean something so people will have a reason to watch. (As if watching the best baseball players in the world isn't reason enough). So now the winning league gets home field advantage for it's team in the World Series. It's pretty stupid when you think about. But, then who ever gave Major League Baseball credit for thinking things out. Bud Selig and his car full of clowns are morons. How is it that every time MLB needs to make a decision, it makes the wrong one.? A monkey flipping a coin would have a better track record than MLB!

And hey baseball; lose the international designations in the home run hitting contest. NO ONE CARES where they're from! The fans just want to see the ball fly out of the stadium. It's just a stupid marketing gimmick dreamed up by Selig's idiot advisors to sell a product that will be unveiled next spring. Aarghhh!

A Great Week and a Not So Great Week

Last week I was incommunicado; I was on PTO and no where near a Blackberry or anything with net access. It was awesome. No one calling wanting to know what was going on or when I was going to help them or why I did what I did. I got home this past weekend and noticed that the hedges between my house and my butthole neighbors house looked different.

G the neighbor who lives behind me (who I believe to believe playing without a full deck) had asked me a month ago if I wanted him to trim my hedges. I told him no and he whined that the power or phone service would go out. I told him no they are mine and I will trim them when I am ready to trim them. G is about 70 but looks like he is 80 and has various health problems. He whined he needed to make sure he has phone service because of his health. And I said the phone company will trim them if they are a problem. Again he asked if he could trim them free of charge and again I said NO!

Anyway, I discovered the jackass had trimmed them anyway. Not just those hanging over his fence but everything he could reach within 18 inches of the fence. The jerk, reached over onto my property and cut MY hedges. I was PISSED big time. I couldn't wait for him to come outside and ask him what the hell he thought he was doing. So, this moron finally comes out and I asked him what he thought he was doing. He said that the fence is actually not the properly line and that he could cut over about six inches. I told him my survey shows the fence as the property line. Mr Asshole responds by saying..."You better get a new fucking survey". Now I am really PISSED OFF at this loser. I told him I could have him arrested for trespassing and property destruction and his answer is..."Go ahead, but you don't want the city involved in this". I don't want a war with a neighbor, but I am not going to put up with this stuff. It's been a week and it still causes me anger every time I look out the back window and see the hedges. I am having a hard time letting it go. Friends have said not to deal with the old fart anymore and just to deal with the city. Family says to let it go because I don't need the stress in my life. I have not yet called the cops, but I have not ruled it out. If he does anything stupid again I probably will. In the meantime, I now know what burglary victims mean when they say they feel used and violated. I AM STILL PISSED!

June 27, 2005

Bad Baseball

As you know I am a huge baseball fan and I am a big St. Louis Cardinal fan.

The Birds have been playing mediocre ball for about a week and half. Yesterday the team lost a game in extra innings that it should have won easily. Jason Isringhausen blew a save in the ninth, but he should have never been in that position to begin with. The Cardinals ran themselves out of the inning in the fifth when they pulled a bonehead stunt and passed each other on the base paths. It could have been a big inning, but it wasn't because the screw up ended the rally and they only got one run off of the Pirates. Consequently the lack of scoring came back to bite them in the butt.

The Cardinals media machine keeps talking about what a great team this is and how it will not be happy unless it wins the World Series. Championship teams do not play like the Cardinals have been playing for the past ten days. They played poorly in Tampa Bay but were lucky to sweep three because Tampa is so awful. They lost two out of three to a crappy Cincinnati team, and split a four game set with the Pirates. Ugghh!

This is not a championship team. At least at this point. Somebody needs to kick start them and get them playing again. Or, that media machine and it's promise is going to be just more baloney.

June 23, 2005

What were they thinking???

The Supreme Court in it's infinite wisdom today decided local governments may now take property from individuals so corporations may use the property. Stop and think about that a minute. The Supremes say it is okay for your local municipality or county to take your home and give it to a developer so he can put in a shopping mall or high dollar real estate development. It scares the bejeebers out of me.

John Paul Stevens, wrote the majority opinion and said that it is in the best interest of local government to develop property for the benefit of the community. In other words, "the ends justifies the means". Gee, isn't that what Karl Marx wrote about a hundred years ago?

I exaggerate to a certain extent, but no one is safe in their property. Let's say Mega Corp wants to build multi-million dollar condos and that my piece of property stands in their way. Not a problem, the city condemns my home and property and hands it over to the developer and they make big bucks. But, what about me? Not a problem because the Supreme court says it's all OK! It's now the "law of the land".

The minority opinion was written by Sandra Day O'Connor. O'Connor criticized the majority for "abandoning the conservative principle of individual property rights and handing 'disproportionate influence and power' to the well-heeled." She also wrote..."Any property may now be taken for the benefit of another private party, but the fallout from this decision will not be random. The beneficiaries are likely to be those citizens with disproportionate influence and power in the political process, including large corporations and development firms. As for the victims, the government now has license to transfer property from those with fewer resources to those with more. The Founders cannot have intended this perverse result. "(T)hat alone is a just government," wrote James Madison, "which impartially secures to every man, whatever is his own."'

In what may be a silver lining though, the Supreme Court left open the option for states to restrict local municipalities in what they may do in the taking of private property. Let's hope the state legislatures show more wisdom than Justice Stevens.

SBC wants your information!

I get home from work and what do I find. A bulk rate letter from the phone company telling me they are going to share my "proprietary network information" with their other business enterprises.

My response is hell no you aren't giving out my personal info to your other flunky companies. So, I tried to call their toll free number like nine times in a row and got a busy signal. Gee do you think some rocket scientist marketing type decided to set up one phone number and all of the company's customer have to go through that one number to stop this private information sharing? Can you say "yes".

But, you know what really sucks. The phone company can behave boorishly like this, because Congress put the burden of proof on the customer to have to manually opt out, rather than making the big corporation get my permission. Nice job Congress!

Fast response from Congressman

Last week, I wrote about efforts by Congress to cut funding for the CPB. And when I told you to write your congressman I did the same. I wrote my rep, Russ Carnahan, who represents Missouri's third district. Here is his response:

Thank you for contacting me regarding the recently proposed cuts for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. I appreciate hearing from you.

For decades, the CPB has provided quality television programming for America's families. Shows such as Sesame Street have entertained and educated generations of American children. We must ensure that public television has the funding it needs to continue to air it's wonderful programs.

As you know, the House Committee on Appropriations authorized a $100 million funding cut for the CPB. Please be assured that I will fight to restore funding to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

Once again, thank you for contacting me. Please do not hesitated to contact me again on this or any other issue.

Russ Carnahan
Member of congress

Well, he is supportive of restoring the funding, but I would be more comfortable if he had said something about Public Radio and NPR in particular. But, still I liked the response.

Stay tuned for later details. Carnahan is a democrat so his response does not come as a surprise. It will be interesting to see what my two Republican Senators, Kit Bond and Jim Talent have to say when or if they respond.

June 18, 2005

Local? TV News

I had to laugh this morning. I usually don't watch TV on Saturday mornings, but I had to work this afternooon and I turned on the local CBS affiliate KMOV. I thought maybe I would see something from overnight that had happened in this metropolitan area.

Instead, I saw one local story in the 50 minutes I was watching. One freakin story in almost an hour that pertained to the St. Louis area. The Saint Louis metro area has a population of 2.6 million people and they could find only one story to report.

Oh and the story was about the sale of the
Saint Louis Blues hockey team and who might buy them. And guess what? To top it off the story was reported in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch on Friday morning. So, in effect KMOV read Friday's paper and then put it on as news a day later. I guess absolutely nothing else happened in the whole region. Sheeeeesh!

So now you are probably wondering how did they fill all of this time? Well they had a cute weather girl on about five times to tell us it was going to be a nice day. And they repeated their Blues story about five times. And they had Sports and they reported the Blues were going to be sold. And, they showed pictures of Interstate Highways 20 miles from downtown that were wide open and had no traffic problems. Oh, and I almost forgot they ran national news stories from places such as Florida and California and Europe, but not St. Louis. Yep, channel four was right on top of the whole metropolitan area. I would have learned more had I turned on an infomercial on any of the other St. Louis stations at that time. Yep good old channel four really had an award winning nine o'clock newscast!

Dirty Rotten Scoundrels

You know from reading here the media in Saint Louis are a miserable lot. If you look in the dictionary you will see St. Louis media next to the definition of mediocrity.

But, there are a few beacons of light in this world of darkness. One of them is KWMU Radio, which to be honest, is where I work part time when someone is sick or on vacation. Am I biased? Maybe. But, do any of the other radio stations in this market compare with news coverage? No way! Not even the archaic CBS affiliate downtown that considers itself "The Sports Voice of America".

KWMU is funded in part by congress and it's annual appropriation to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. A house committee has decided it would be wise to cut funding to the CPB by about 45 percent. Only ten percent of KWMU's annual budget comes from the CPB but still funding is funding. (And the less time the local NPR affiliates spend begging for money, the better off we all are).

So my request to you is to contact your congressman and Senators and tell them to put it back. After all it is only a drop in the bucket compared to what Dubya is spending in Iraq.

June 10, 2005

This and that

While I am thinking of it, the St. Louis daily newspaper was formally taken over by a new company this past week. Guess what? It's the same crappy newspaper it was. I guess it will take a long time to turn the Post-Dispatch into anything other than the poor excuse that it is for a newspaper.

I saw the move "Hotel Rwanda" this week on DVD and I have to say it is one of the finest movies I have ever seen. Don Cheadle does an outstanding job and then on top of it, think about the fact he speaks in his lines in a clipped British accent. If you haven't seen it rent it. You know, to think that Sideways was also nominated for an Oscar is amazing. "Sideways" isn't even in the same class as "Hotel Rwanda". I also saw "Closer" the other night and liked it. It's an interesting story about two cheating couples that say they want the truth but wouldn't recognize the truth it it bit them in the butt. And Natalie Portmann is HOT! She and Clive Owen have a scene that is tremendous.

And finally while I am thinking of it, how 'bout them Birds. The Cards took two out of three from the Boston Red Sox this week. Woo Hoo! I know it doesn't make up for the World Series, but at least it shows the rest of the East coast media that the Cardinals can play. The Yankees are in Saint Louis this weekend, and I truly hope the Cardinals stomp the crap out of them just for good measure!


Well as good as life was last week on vacation, this week has been major stress. I went back to work on Monday and it wasn't too bad as I started a new assignment. But, by the middle of the week the stupidity of some of my co-workers was just enough to make want to shoot one of them. But, I kept my mouth shut for the time being.

Finally, the weekend is here. You want to know how I started it, I laid down when I got home and slept for two hours because I was so tired. I just now went outside and picked up some branches that were downed by the thunderstorms of the last few days and the crazy old man and his wife who live in the house behind mine were out putting out there traps to catch squirrels and rabbits. This guy is loony tunes. He has put up boards around his yard to keep the water from running into it. His name isn't Gus, but that's what I'll call him. Gus puts out traps to get these "varmints and critters" as he calls them because he thinks they chew on his trees. His old lady who I will call crazy Mary is about the same. They both complain that their kids never call them. Duh??? I wonder why? Anyway, where the water drains from my yard into his he has put a big brick in place. This is an ongoing battle. He puts up the brick and I knock it out of place. I keep hoping the old son of a bitch, he says he's 78, gets sick and stays in his house. If I were the only neighbor who felt this way I wouldn't write this, but he and his old lady are a standing joke. Oh well, the weekend is here. Thank God It's Friday!

May 31, 2005

Life Is Good

It was a long but good Memorial Day weekend. Lots of work on the house and yard and lots of food and drink. The gutters are clean again and all of the Ivy that had covered the garage has been ripped down. (Now the need for it to be painted can be seen again). And the yard has been mowed. All that is left is to get the trees and hedges trimmed. There is a large Elm tree in the back yard with branches now hanging out over the neighbors yard that has to be taken care of and I can't do it myself since it is so big. So, I have started calling the tree trimming companies in the area asking for bids. Always a lot of fun. But, I can take care of the hedges in front of the house and they definitely need to be trimmed back but not today. Went to dinner with long time friends on Friday and then went to a barbecue with more long time friends on Saturday. Took it easy on Sunday, and then had the immediate family over for a barbecue yesterday. The ribs were awesome if I don't say so, but then I am an awesome que chef! Just ask! Also during the course of the weekend I had a chance to reflect on what Memorial Day means and when you think of all the lives lost in the wars this country has fought in, it is very sobering. Look at the 16 hundred who have now died in Iraq. My heart goes out to their loved ones.

I just got back from lunch with the neighbor across the street H. We went to a German restaurant in the burbs, but there really wasn't much German on the menu. So I went with a Catfish sandwich that was terrific. And you want to know what made lunch really good. Two Boulevard Un-filtered Wheat beers. There is something about drinking during the day and especially on a week day that makes it taste even better. I hope those bums I work with are busting their butts today while I am out playing and drinking beer. Oh well, I am now off to play golf at one of my favorite courses. So today you can see why life is good!

May 26, 2005

AOL means As*hole or Loser

Have you seen the new AOL Tv spot? It's the most moronic piece of crap I've seen in a while. The spot portrays a woman who is so thankful for AOL virus and spam protection that she bakes a pie and takes it to the AOL offices, wherever that is. The joke is; AOL has nothing to do with either of these, but rather buys them from Norton or Trend or Network Associates. So, if she did bring a pie to AOL she would be an idiot. But to top it off AOL shows a whole bunch of people acting as if they are working on this "special project". The commercial is supposed to be humorous, but the only joke is AOL.

May 22, 2005

SUV = Suburban Assault Vehicle

One of my pet peeves is SUV's. They are gas guzzlers. They are killing machines, because their bumpers are at the same level as the car driver's head. And their headlights are way too high and will burn out your retina if you don't have a day/night mirror.

But, what is really annoying is the asshole who decided to take the last two spots on the parking lot last night with his assault vehicle at a crowded local restaurant. Could he have parked in one? Yes. Did this loser park in one spot? No, it would have been too hard for the prick to open his doors and not ding someone else. Fortunately we were able to circle the lot again and found a parking space

This country does have a real energy problem but are the SUV owners doing anything about it by driving smaller cars? Hell no. But ultimately the marketplace will take care of of this problem. As gasoline prices increase, the value of these piece of shit SUVs will decline proportionately.

When I get motivated I will write about what our energy policy should include.

May 21, 2005

Hello Cruel World

I guess since I was smart enough to follow the instructions on Blogspot I now have a voice on the Web and can say just about anything I care to within reason. But, I am not always a reasonable person.

The name of this Blog is "The Anti-Post". Why, you ask? I have never been a conformist. I don't tend to accept authority just because it is authority. And I don't always believe in being Politically Correct. And I also believe that living in the States does in fact give me the right to say what I think, especially about government "leaders" on whatever level they screw up.

The other reason it is called The Anti-Post is I live in a city that has one of the crappiest daily newspapers you have ever seen. It is called the "Post" by the locals who dwell within this burg. This burg is located in the eastern part of Missouri and is also the largest metropolitan area in the state. If you can't figure that out, I suggest you move onto something even easier than geography. Oh well, since this is the first post and I am trying to be real friendly (so you will come back and see what else I have to say), the name of the paper is the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. And it is about the lamest excuse for a newspaper you will ever see. I will let you know how in future posts. But, just as an example it is the only paper I know of that wrote front page stores in it's Sunday edition about a renovated shopping mall. Yep, that's right. A freakin shopping center. Aaaarghh!

I suppose this is enough for the first post, but there are hundreds of things that interest me including baseball. I love the game! It's just the greedy owners and greedy players that make me want to puke. I will go into more detail in the future.

Anyway, that's all I have for now. So, thanks for stopping by and making my first time easy. I have lost my blogging virginity! Woo-Hoo!

Stop by again to see my take on the world.