May 21, 2005

Hello Cruel World

I guess since I was smart enough to follow the instructions on Blogspot I now have a voice on the Web and can say just about anything I care to within reason. But, I am not always a reasonable person.

The name of this Blog is "The Anti-Post". Why, you ask? I have never been a conformist. I don't tend to accept authority just because it is authority. And I don't always believe in being Politically Correct. And I also believe that living in the States does in fact give me the right to say what I think, especially about government "leaders" on whatever level they screw up.

The other reason it is called The Anti-Post is I live in a city that has one of the crappiest daily newspapers you have ever seen. It is called the "Post" by the locals who dwell within this burg. This burg is located in the eastern part of Missouri and is also the largest metropolitan area in the state. If you can't figure that out, I suggest you move onto something even easier than geography. Oh well, since this is the first post and I am trying to be real friendly (so you will come back and see what else I have to say), the name of the paper is the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. And it is about the lamest excuse for a newspaper you will ever see. I will let you know how in future posts. But, just as an example it is the only paper I know of that wrote front page stores in it's Sunday edition about a renovated shopping mall. Yep, that's right. A freakin shopping center. Aaaarghh!

I suppose this is enough for the first post, but there are hundreds of things that interest me including baseball. I love the game! It's just the greedy owners and greedy players that make me want to puke. I will go into more detail in the future.

Anyway, that's all I have for now. So, thanks for stopping by and making my first time easy. I have lost my blogging virginity! Woo-Hoo!

Stop by again to see my take on the world.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Better than some I have seen but still a waste of bandwidth.