November 24, 2006

Springtime in November

What a day! No work and not a whole lot of responsibility. The girls all went shopping today, which left us men to play golf. It was 65 degrees this afternoon in Saint Louis so a buddy of mine V and I played nine holes across the river in Illinois. I played well at the outset but ended up with a mediocre round of 48.

Anytime I get to play golf the last week of November it's a great day. Who knows maybe I can play again over the Christmas holidays! Life if good!

How Was Your Thanksgiving?

Mine was great! I spent the day with the family and smoked an eleven pound turkey on the Weber kettle. We had turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, dressing, green bean casserole, and some kind of cranberry dish. It was excellent if I don't say so. And then add to that the Cherry pie and Cool Whip. Woo Hoo! After dinner it was up to my niece and her husband's to see the kids. Little I was as wound up as I have ever seen her. But, then she had an audience from Great-Grandma to her Grandma to her uncles and aunts. All in all it was a great day. I hope your day was just as good!

November 22, 2006

Random thoughts

-Has AT&T lost it's freakin mind? I got a notice from Ma Bell telling me I had not yet paid my phone bill today. The thing that pisses me off is that it's not due until next Monday the 27th. I pay the bill electronically on the day it's due. I don't pay it a day early and I don't pay it a day late. I pay the bill on the day it's due. So why is the phone company telling me they haven't yet received payment when the bill isn't due for a week? Whatever rocket scientist marketer thought up this effort to get idiots to pay their bill early can kiss my ass!

-My Tigers continue to struggle. They lost to Iowa State last week in a game they should have won. This weekend we have the lowlife Kansas Jayhawks coming to Columbia and hopefully the Tigers will look a lot better at home. And someone on the coaching staff needs to tell Chase Daniel to calm down. He has been trying to do it all by himself for the past month and it's not working. Granted his running backs keep fumbling the ball and his receivers either drop the ball or commit stupid penalties, but he needs to let some of the others on offense carry the load.

-The basketball Tigers are off to a great start. They are 5-0 at this point. But then again they haven't played a decent team yet either. Their first real contest will be later this month against Arkansas at the Mizzou arena in Columbia.

-I have not been to the casino in a month and have not gambled in two months. Oh I have taken their comps and eaten dinner on them and cashed in their money coupons for drinks but I have not given them any of my cash. I suppose that will come to a screeching halt real soon.

-How can this be the night before Thanksgiving? It seems like it was just St. Patrick's Day. But, tomorrow is the fourth Thursday in November and it sure is Turkey Day. It is the second earliest that Thanksgiving Day can occur(next year it is the 22nd and then in 2008 it falls on November 27th). Where has the year gone?

Sorry I haven't written more lately but I will have more time in the coming weeks. In fact after this weekend I will have only three more full weeks of work before taking off the last half of December. Woo Hoo!

November 05, 2006

Just catching up.

-Are you as tired of the politicians calling each other names as I am? In Missouri where I live we have a senate race where a two term Republican is being pushed by a political hack. But, she provides me with an option in that I can vote the incumbent out and hope she does better. I don't like Claire McCaskill or her politics, but I don't care to vote again for the incumbent Jim Talent. So, let's throw the rascal out and start over.

-We have a TV station in Saint Louis that calls itself "News Channel Five". It's the NBC affiliate but you would never know it. Three times in the past week it has dumped network programming in favor of it's own half hour long infomercial. And this isn't the first time these Bozos have pulled this stunt. I guess the only option left is to boycott their sponsors and let them (the advertisers) know we will not buy their stuff until the TV station stops this crap.

-And jeers to the CBS affiliate. Channel four, KMOV, decided two hours into the Eagles/Jaguars game last week that it would pull the plug and show it's own coverage of the Cardinals' world series parade. The problem is this particular station never showed a Cardinal's game all season because it did not have the rights and that it is supposed to be carrying CBS network programming. This station also has pulled prime time network programming in favor of it's locally produced half hour infomercials.

-I just heard that Saddam Hussein has received the death penalty. Big Surprise. I wonder if they will televise the hanging of Saddam and his buddies. If not I am sure it will end up on the web somewhere. I know it sounds morbid, but someone should do Iraq a favor and just put a bullet through his skull and save everyone the cost of an appeal and public execution.

Trouble in River City

Things at work are getting worse. Our team lead got demoted this past week and an Indian national has become our lead. Bad enough in itself but in team politics I am now on the "wrong" side. That and the previous statement by S that she would never want to be a lead because of the politics.

So what does this mean to me? Probably more work with less communication, direction and support. Those were the reasons our existing lead got demoted because CJ failed to achieve any of those goals. But S has never had time for any of these in working with others previously. She is brilliant but not very patient and not willing to share her knowledge.

I have to get out of this position before I have a meltdown. I have started looking around with some seriousness and have decided it is time to make a move, even though the company I work for has a very good benefit package.

Ideally, I would start working for myself and build my side business up quickly. But, that is not yet a viable option. So, I will keep my mouth shut, put up with the arrogance and laziness of others and keep taking the paycheck every week.

Still World Champs!

It's been a week since the Cardinals won the World Series and it still sounds great to hear the expression..."World Champion Saint Louis Cardinals"! I don't think it has fully set in yet but being a lifelong Cardinal fan I keep wondering if I am going to wake up and pinch myself and realize it was all just a dream. But, then I know it is reality. And that phrase will be accurate for another 51 weeks. Woo Hoo!!!