November 05, 2006

Just catching up.

-Are you as tired of the politicians calling each other names as I am? In Missouri where I live we have a senate race where a two term Republican is being pushed by a political hack. But, she provides me with an option in that I can vote the incumbent out and hope she does better. I don't like Claire McCaskill or her politics, but I don't care to vote again for the incumbent Jim Talent. So, let's throw the rascal out and start over.

-We have a TV station in Saint Louis that calls itself "News Channel Five". It's the NBC affiliate but you would never know it. Three times in the past week it has dumped network programming in favor of it's own half hour long infomercial. And this isn't the first time these Bozos have pulled this stunt. I guess the only option left is to boycott their sponsors and let them (the advertisers) know we will not buy their stuff until the TV station stops this crap.

-And jeers to the CBS affiliate. Channel four, KMOV, decided two hours into the Eagles/Jaguars game last week that it would pull the plug and show it's own coverage of the Cardinals' world series parade. The problem is this particular station never showed a Cardinal's game all season because it did not have the rights and that it is supposed to be carrying CBS network programming. This station also has pulled prime time network programming in favor of it's locally produced half hour infomercials.

-I just heard that Saddam Hussein has received the death penalty. Big Surprise. I wonder if they will televise the hanging of Saddam and his buddies. If not I am sure it will end up on the web somewhere. I know it sounds morbid, but someone should do Iraq a favor and just put a bullet through his skull and save everyone the cost of an appeal and public execution.