May 25, 2015

Happy Memorial Day

Happy Memorial Day to those of you who live in the United States of America!  I thank our veterans for giving me the freedom to live where I want and to have the freedom to do whatever I want whenver I like.  For those of you who have put your life on the line so I may sleep easily each night I am grateful!

To all veterans whether you are at home or abroad, be you active duty, reserves or retired, all Americans say thank you!

Ten Years and Counting

It was ten years ago this Memorial Day weekend I started this blog called "The Anti-Post".  The original goal was to take a critical look at the media in this community in which I live.  But, since then it has expanded to become a forum for whatever is on my mind.  There have never been a huge number of hits to it and that's fine.  As a journalist it gives me a place to write what's on my mind.

In the past ten years I have written about my work world, about losing a job in the economic downturn of 2008 and the adventure of finding a new job.  I have had the opportunity to write about two world championships for my favorite baseball team.  This blog has allowed me to express myself on US Supreme Court decisions such as the day it ruled corporations had the same rights as individuals.  And it has given me a chance to cheer for my Alma Mater in football and basketball.

I would like to write more than I do but like everyone else my age there are a lot of responsibilities in this life.  I hope to retire in the next several years and hopefully that will give me the time to write more.  But, for now I will post when I can.  Finally, thank you, the readers, for the hits I have gotten in the past decade.  It never fails to amaze where that next hit will come from be it somewhere in the South Pacific or Europe or Asia.  Thank you and I look forward to the next ten years.