November 24, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving America

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone who is reading this. I hope that you and your family have a terrific day and take time to count your blessings. I for one consider myself fortunate just to be able to wake up every morning and put my feet on the floor and walk. I also am thankful for my family, my friends, my job, and for being able to live in the richest country in the world. I have done nothing to deserve this but have been richly blessed by God Almighty. Thank You!!

Now having said that I have something on my mind I need to address. It is time to get our troops out of Iraq and bring them home. I know this makes me unpatriotic according to our vice president Dick Cheney. All I can say is he is entitled to his opinion but he is wrong. It is time to stop sending innocent young men and women to slaughter because we made a mistake two and a half years ago in attacking Iraq. I voted for George Bush, Jr the first time around and thought he was the lesser of two evils at the time. But, last year I voted for a Democrat for president for the first time in my life. And I still think Mr. Kerry would have done a better job of running things. Mr. Bush and his advisors (yes, they are running this nation) just don't get it. Iraq is not the enemy. It's Al-Queada. So, why are we still in Iraq fighting a third world nation. Sure, we want their oil, but we could have that without fighting a war. The economics would win out over the bullets. So, why are we there. Because, the Bush administration had no exit strategy when it started this war. We should have all of our troops home by now. And the administration's statement that leaving would be a win for the terrorists is just a lie. It's pure and simple bull hockey. The administration tells us at the same time we are fighting the war on terrorism in Afghanistan and other middle east nations. So, President Bush here is the bottom line. Let's get Osama Bin-Laden and stop the terrorists. And at the same time, let's re-assign our resources to fighting that war on terrorism and not some third rate country that will be out of oil and worthless to us in another 50 years.

Finally, I am thankful for having the right to freely express myself without fear of reprisal as I just did in the paragraph above this one. Thanks for reading it and again Happy Thanksgiving!

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