June 10, 2005

This and that

While I am thinking of it, the St. Louis daily newspaper was formally taken over by a new company this past week. Guess what? It's the same crappy newspaper it was. I guess it will take a long time to turn the Post-Dispatch into anything other than the poor excuse that it is for a newspaper.

I saw the move "Hotel Rwanda" this week on DVD and I have to say it is one of the finest movies I have ever seen. Don Cheadle does an outstanding job and then on top of it, think about the fact he speaks in his lines in a clipped British accent. If you haven't seen it rent it. You know, to think that Sideways was also nominated for an Oscar is amazing. "Sideways" isn't even in the same class as "Hotel Rwanda". I also saw "Closer" the other night and liked it. It's an interesting story about two cheating couples that say they want the truth but wouldn't recognize the truth it it bit them in the butt. And Natalie Portmann is HOT! She and Clive Owen have a scene that is tremendous.

And finally while I am thinking of it, how 'bout them Birds. The Cards took two out of three from the Boston Red Sox this week. Woo Hoo! I know it doesn't make up for the World Series, but at least it shows the rest of the East coast media that the Cardinals can play. The Yankees are in Saint Louis this weekend, and I truly hope the Cardinals stomp the crap out of them just for good measure!

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