October 31, 2005

Post-Dispatch = Piece of Crap

Tell me something oh mediocre Saint Louis daily newspaper. Who the hell is calling the shots on your sports desk?

Last Saturday Missouri beats up on Nebraska and that joke of a newspaper, the St. Louis-Post Dispatch puts the game story below the fold on the front of the sports section. Now, keep in mind that there are more graduates and alum of Missouri in the St. Louis region than anywhere in the world. Saturday Mizzou goes out to Lawrence, Kansas and falls flat on it's face in a horrible 13-3 loss. So, where does the lamo newspaper put the story? Yep, you guessed it. The story goes smack dab on top of the Sports section for all the world to see what a miserable day the Tigers had against the Gayhawks.

It wouldn't be so bad if this was a one time occurrence, but there appears to be an ongoing pattern at the Post-Dispatch. When the Tigers do well the paper wants to bury the story. And when they do poorly or the program has a problem the story gets put on the top of the sports section. Come on Post-Dispatch get some integrity!

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