March 28, 2006

Turmoil in the workplace

The more things change at work the more they remain the same.

We have lost one of our minority employees, but the division between black women and white men remains the same. The guy who wants to be boss is trying to work around it but he isn't communicating with everyone. H has spoken to only people who he happens to see or who have sucked up to him. And speaking of sucking up H will have a broken nose if our bigger boss sits down.

In the meantime Senior management has opened up an internal position for promotion. Everyone has applied for it, but I don't know if it's to attract someone in from the outside or to truly promote someone who is deserving of a raise and responsibility. (Like me)!

I will keep you informed on what happens but it will be interesting to see the posturing and listen to the bullshit from people who would have you think they are the hardest workers in the world. Stay tuned!