December 16, 2007

A Major Screwup by a New York TV Station

The NBC O&O in New York City implicated St. Louis Cardinal superstar Albert Pujols as a steroid abuser in the Mitchell report. In an effort to score a major "scoop" the TV station said Pujols was one of those listed in the report as having taken the junk.

The story had absolutely no merit and is pure balderdash. WNBC (which is owned by General Electric) has since apologized and put a correction on it's web site. But, how many people will never see the correction and be left with the impression that the outstanding numbers Pujols has put up in his relatively short career were drug aided?

Pujols appears to be a laid back man and genuinely happy to be playing the game and giving it all for the people who pay his salary, the fans. But, the incompetence of WNBC's producers and reporters produced a written statement from from "El Hombre's" attorney on Thursday night. The statement read as follows:

"It has come to my attention that several national and local news outlets have published false reports that associated my name with the Mitchell Report. I have never disrespected, nor cheated the game of baseball and knew without a doubt that my name would not be mentioned in the official investigation. I would like to express how upset and disappointed I am over the reckless reporting that took place this morning. It has caused me and my family a lot of senseless aggravation due to their inaccurate information.
"What concerns me, is the affect this has had on my family and that my character and values have now been questioned due to the media's lack of accuracy in their reporting. I have never had a problem with the media when they do their job correctly, whether it is positive or negative -- just as long as they report truthfully.

"I would like to thank my fans for their continued support and never doubting my integrity. God has blessed me and allowed me to play a game that I would never take for granted."

Albert I don't blame you. Maybe you can publish a list of TV station with incompetent journalists and head it up with WNBC. But, then you wouldn't be like your attackers. Your list would be the honest to God truth.

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