March 02, 2008

Hayseed Neighbor Update

Well it's a nice warm day here and the renters next door came out of the house in all their hoosier glory. The first thing they did was turn their retarded baby loose on the neighborhood. This is the one that doesn't talk but just screams. I don't know if the kid is really retarded but he must be about two and doesn't say any words yet, just screams or cries at everyone.

Then while I am trying to watch a golf tournament on TV one of their friends comes over to work on a piece of crap car. The car has no license plates or mufflers on it. So every time this kid fires it up, it makes enough noise to be heard three blocks away. Why do they let their loser friends come over and disturb the peace in our neighborhood? Why doesn't this person just stay in their trailer park.

Finally, this is March second. But, guess what is still hanging on the rental house? None other than all the Christmas lights these yahoos put up in November.

I wish they would all move back to whatever trailer park from which they escaped.

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