March 17, 2008

A Victim of Sub Prime Mortgages

My older brother called me a short time ago and told me he got his walking papers today. G works for Citicorp and he was told he will be out of a job in 60 days. Now he is a bright man and a good worker but he is also 57 years old.

You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that old white guys are having a hard time finding jobs at this point in life. One of my fears is that I too will get laid off at this stage of life.

To G I say hang in there because you are very good at what you do. And like they say; when a window closes a door opens. But, again G's age is not going to help him find a good job.

The bottom line is Citicorp is a greedy financial company and it's practices have now put a lot of hard working people out of work. Maybe the upper management and execs at Citicorp need to be held responsible for their greed. Maybe if they got let go they might not be so quick to fire those who actually busted their butts for the corporation.

In the meantime, all I can say is hang in there G better days are ahead.

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