March 27, 2008

The Hoosier Neighbors are Still Here

The much despised yahoo neighbors are going strong. Why just this afternoon, the Hoosier kid worked on his car and made a nuisance of himself for the better part of an hour. I have learned that he is the boyfriend of their niece who doesn't live with these losers either. But, the yahoos don't care about the rest of us. Just let the boy work on his car.

And the morons have a new yard ornament. They have a toilet that has been sitting on the side of their house for about three weeks now. Yep, every time I drive to my home I get to see a toilet on the side of their rental house. But, I shouldn't be surprised. They left a dryer in their front yard for over a month shortly after they moved in.

Please hoosier people go back to your trailer park or shack or wherever you came from and leave the rest of us alone to enjoy our lives.

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