March 13, 2009

Hey ESPN Move On!

I've been watching tournament basketball this afternoon on several networks. But ESPN keeps telling the public about a six overtime game last night that was played in New York City.

Granted, it was a very long and probably exciting game for people who care about over-rated Big East Conference teams. But, the game is over and ESPN needs to move on. The baloney coming out of ESPN's studios is laughable. The term "Instant Classic" or "Greatest Game Ever" is overkill.

You ask why does ESPN behave like this? The reason is simple. ESPN management believes the world revolves around the area encompassed by New York City, Boston and it's little headquarters in Connecticut. Add the regional bias of a bunch of workers who went to Big East schools and you see how important it is in their parochial little world. Now, add the fact that it was played in the "Rotten Apple" and you understand why it is so important to ESPN decision makers.

The "inconvenient" truth is while the game was unique in having six overtimes, it was one of many major conference tournament games played yesterday. In that right it is deserving of coverage. But, the overkill displayed by ESPN's talking heads is nothing more than parochial hyperbole.

Had this game been played in the Conference USA tournament in Memphis it would have been treated as a rarity; a six overtime game. But, ESPN would have put it behind them already never to be heard of again. And for the 90 percent of this country living west of the Hudson River, we wouldn't be subjected to the onslaught of elitist bull crap coming from ESPN.

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