December 31, 2017

Bunch of Thieves

I touched on this in a post eight days ago.  The St. Louis Post-Dispatch has decided in its infinite wisdom that it will charge four dollars, plus tax in Missouri, for its Sunday paper.  Yep, you heard me right, four bucks for a paper that is a shadow of what it was in its prime.

The paper which is published by Lee Enterprises is four bucks if you buy it at a convenience store. (Notice I didn't say newsstand?  Those things no longer exist in Saint Louis).  But, the thing that's interesting is the Post charges those who subscribe to it a buck.  You say really, but that's not right.
I agree, but Lee Enterprises is automatically removing money from the bank accounts of those who subscribe to their paper.

If you don't want to pay the four bucks, do what many people in Saint Louis are doing.  Just go online and answer some stupid question and you can read the paper for free.  It's a dumb business practice to give the paper away for free on the Internet, but charge those who don't have a computer or access to the Internet four bucks for the Sunday rag.

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