September 06, 2021

On this day the United States of America recognizes the hard working men and women who have helped build this nation into what it is today.  Much of the credit for advancements and improvements in the lives of many Americans go to labor unions and guilds.

Health insurance, the 40 hour work week, paid vacations and most benefits from employers are the results of labor taking a stand against management.  It seems as if the divide between upper management and the rank and file worker is as divided as ever.  So, with that in mind thank labor for stopping some of the more inane proposals from ownership and top management.  Sure, there have been abuses from big labor, as well as management, but those have usually been corrected when rank and file union members have stood for what is right.

I hope wherever you are and whatever you are doing today you celebrate the hard work of all Americans and have a happy, safe and blessed Labor Day!

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