January 15, 2006

And now a word from our sponsor

This is called the Anti-Post, so it's time to give a report card to the Saint Louis Post-Dispatch.
Overall the paper is still mediocre at best. I would say it is the worst daily in Saint Louis, but then I would also have to say it is the best daily in Saint Louis. (Get it, it's the only daily in the city). It's too bad the Riverfront Times isn't a daily paper. At least it would keep the Post honest.

Design and layout D. The paper changed it's layout and graphics this year to try to boost sagging circulation. But, now the paper looks like a Suburban Journal. (If you don't know what that is...it's not a good thing. The journal is a twice weekly throw away. But, you do have to give the post a B for effort.

News Reporting B-. It seems to do a pretty good job of handling local news and several of it's columnist really do know what is happening. Bill McClellan is excellent!

News Editing B. The editing desk seems to be trying to stop the stupid and careless mistakes it has made in the past. But, there are days of sheer stupidity. It appears as if they are short staffed but that's no excuse. Hire some people. You certainly have the cash flow!

Sports Reporting D. The sports staff seems to believe it is operating in a vacuum. The paper leaves much to be desired in game day reporting and layout. The biases of the sports staff persist. As an example the University of Missouri has more alums than all other institutions combined in Saint Louis but it still seems to be enamored with running other colleges game stories above the fold. The Missouri game coverage is then relegated to an internal page. I have written letters to the Post's management complaining of this, but they have yet to reply or explain the bias. Finally, the local columnists seem to take delight in running inside jokes or attempting to be humorous. Believe, me the only thing funny about the Sports section is that management lets these bozos get by with their un-professional efforts.

Sports editing D. The sports editors seem to be in a world to themselves. They have made too many errors too many times. In the Friday paper the editors invented new radio frequencies on which to hear local broadcasts. ACtually, the did not include the whole frequency of a radio station. One mistake is not a big deal. But twice in two lines. Please!!! Not enough attention to detail and too much inconsistency.

Editorials, Entertainment, and the rest of the paper C The editorials are frequently inane but they reflect a management that at times seems confused about what it is doing. You really can't screw up the funny page and the rest of the paper is mediocre.

Final grade C. Like I said it's a really mediocre paper so a C is the perfect grade for it.