April 03, 2006

Clueless TV station

For the second time in four days the local NBC affiliate decided it was more important than the programs people were tuning into see.

The egotistical weather boy at KSDK decided he should break into regular programming repeatedly ad infinitum with the same dull message from about five until 7:20 p.m. If he is doing this on his own or the consultants at Channel five have told him to do this I don't know. But, the bottom line is it insults the intelligence of two million people in St. Louis and it's surrounding counties while the talking head shows the same boring pictures of weather radar over and over and over and over and over, until you want to puke. The sad thing again as I said last week is that most of the weather coverage was for counties too far away to see this sleazy presentation. But, those in Saint Louis and it's bordering counties have to watch this crap for little towns 90 miles away that no one in their right minds could care about. And to top it off the losers at five kept it up long after the other stations had dropped their graphics and crawls. I guess the weather boy at five is more important than the message.

Hey "Sleaze Channel Five"...get a freakin' life and quit bothering us with this crap. Put up a crawl about every 15 minutes and you will get the same message across without bothering millions of people who really want to see something else than your little dog and pony show.