July 14, 2007

Congressional Spam

Congress talks out of both sides of it's collective mouth. We've know this for years. But, I have just received an email from my congressman that is pure unadulterated spam.

My congressman is Russ Carnahan. I emailed him four months ago about a minor issue that I urged him to look into and take action against if he could. Well, I received a form message back from him and that was the end of it. Or, so I thought. But, apparently Carnahan and his buddies who want him re-elected next year decided it was okay to add me and anyone else who has emailed him since he was elected to a spam list.

The message I received was little more than a plug to re-elect Carnahan next year. The subject was something to the effect of "Declare Your Energy Independence". Yeah, right. The article was little more than political rhetoric for Carnahan Maybe Carnahan could save some energy if he stopped flying back and forth from Washington to his St. Louis county home every weekend.

The hypocrisy is that Congress claims it is trying to stop spammers and make it more difficult for these losers to generate this garbage. But, when one of their "advisers" tells them to send these email messages to their constituents it's OK. Well, it's not okay. Knock it off Russ Carnahan and while your at it ask people if they want to be on your mailing list before you start firing this crap out to their email boxes.

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