July 11, 2007

The Evil Empire strikes again

The "Evil Empire", aka the St.-Louis Post-Dispatch, decided to attack the University of Missouri athletic department again this morning. A student athletes at Mizzou, Kalen Grimes was arrested by the Florissant, Mo police department on assault charges. He was also charged with possession of a fire-arm. No, this is not good.

But, there are literally hundreds of assaults committed in the metropolitan St. Louis area every week. And those assaults are not splashed all over the front page of the publication's sports section. So why the double standard? Because the boys from Baltimore that work in the sports section aren't receiving the special treatment they desire. So, they take it out on the Mizzou athletic department. As I have written before it's too bad the "paper of record" doesn't have competition in the way of print or electronic media in this town.

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