The St. Louis Cardinals have a double standard. This week they let utility player Scott Spezio go after he was indicted by a grand jury in California.
It seems Spezio has issues with alcohol and got himself in trouble with Orange County deputies. According to reports Spezio allegedly punched a neighbor after he ran his car into a fence in December after drinking. The Birds immediately released him and will pay him two plus million dollars this year. And then buyout his contract next year.
But the double standard lies in the way the Cardinals treat different individuals. Redbird manager Tony LaRussa was convicted of driving while under the influence last year and the Cardinals rewarded him by renewing his contract for two years.
It seems to me LaRussa should be canned too. If the Cardinals are serious about alcohol and substance abuse then LaRussa needs to be fired for his drunk driving.
February 29, 2008
Happy Leap Year Day
I can't pass up the chance to post this. This is the first time since I started my blog that there has been a leap year and a February 29th. So, today let me say "Happy Leap Year Day".
"Breaking News" - A Year Later
Apparently CNN still has the same consultant telling it to lie to it's viewers it did a year ago when I wrote about false "breaking news".
I was at lunch today and the moron producers at CNN ran a story about something that happened in Las Vegas yesterday. Beneath the video of police cars at night at a Las Vegas resort, CNN ran the caption..."Breaking News". To top it off they put up another caption saying "Thursday". So they pretty much admitted the story was old. I guess they were having a slow news day. How can a story that broke yesterday be "Breaking News".
It can't. But in order to attract viewers the consultants tell CNN to put crap like this on the screen even when the story is almost a day old.
I was at lunch today and the moron producers at CNN ran a story about something that happened in Las Vegas yesterday. Beneath the video of police cars at night at a Las Vegas resort, CNN ran the caption..."Breaking News". To top it off they put up another caption saying "Thursday". So they pretty much admitted the story was old. I guess they were having a slow news day. How can a story that broke yesterday be "Breaking News".
It can't. But in order to attract viewers the consultants tell CNN to put crap like this on the screen even when the story is almost a day old.
February 20, 2008
The Angry White Man
I received the following article when I checked email this afternoon after work. The author is a columnist for a Colorado newspaper.
In election 2008, Don’t Forget The Angry White Man
Gary Hubbell
February 9, 2008
There is a great amount of interest in this year’s presidential elections, as everybody seems to recognize that our next president has to be a lot better than George Bush. The Democrats are riding high with two groundbreaking candidates — a woman and an African-American — while the some Republicans are in a quandary about their party’s nod to a quasi-liberal maverick, John McCain.
Each candidate is carefully pandering to a smorgasbord of special-interest groups, ranging from gay, lesbian and transgender people to children of illegal immigrants to working mothers to evangelical Christians.
There is one group no one has recognized, and it is the group that will decide the election: the Angry White Man. The Angry White Man comes from all economic backgrounds, from dirt-poor to filthy rich. He represents all geographic areas in America, from urban sophisticate to rural redneck, deep South to mountain West, left Coast to Eastern Seaboard. His common traits are that he isn’t looking for anything from anyone — just the promise to be able to make his own way on a level playing field. In many cases, he is an independent businessman and employs several people. He pays more than his share of taxes and works hard.
The victim syndrome buzzwords — "disenfranchised," "marginalized" and "voiceless" — don’t resonate with him. "Press ‘one’ for English" is a curse-word. He’s used to picking up the tab, whether it’s the company Christmas party, three sets of braces, three college educations or a beautiful wedding.
He believes the Constitution is to be interpreted literally, not as a "living document" open to the whims and vagaries of a panel of judges who have never worked an honest day in their lives.
The Angry White Man owns firearms, and he’s willing to pick up a gun to defend his home and his country. He is willing to lay down his life to defend the freedom and safety of others.
The Angry White Man is not a metrosexual, a homosexual or a victim. Nobody like him drowned in Hurricane Katrina — he got his people together and got the hell out, then went back in to rescue those too helpless and stupid to help themselves, often as a police officer, a National Guard soldier or a volunteer firefighter.
His last name and religion don’t matter. His background might be Italian, English, Polish, German, Slavic, Irish, or Russian, and he might have Cherokee, Mexican, or Puerto Rican mixed in, but he considers himself a white American.
He’s a man’s man, the kind of guy who likes to play poker, watch football, hunt white-tailed deer, call turkeys, play golf, change his own oil and build things. He coaches baseball, soccer and football teams and doesn’t ask for a penny. He’s the kind of guy who can put an addition on his house with a couple of friends, drill an oil well, weld a new bumper for his truck, design a factory and publish books. He can fill a train with 100,000 tons of coal and get it to the power plant on time so that you keep the lights on and never know what it took to flip that light switch.
Women either love him or hate him, but they know he’s a man, not a dishrag. If they’re looking for someone to walk all over, they’ve got the wrong guy. He stands up straight, opens doors for women and says "Yes, sir" and "No, ma’am."
He might be a Republican and he might be a Democrat; he might be a Libertarian or a Green. He knows his wife is more emotional than rational, and he guides the family in a rational manner.
He’s not a racist, but he is annoyed and disappointed when people of certain backgrounds exhibit behavior that typifies the worst stereotypes of their race. He’s willing to give everybody a fair chance if they work hard, play by the rules and learn English.
Most important, the Angry White Man is pissed off. When his job is flooded with illegal workers who don’t pay taxes and his wages drop like a stone, he gets righteously angry. When his job gets shipped overseas, and he has to speak to some incomprehensible idiot in India for tech support, he simmers. When Al Sharpton comes on TV, leading some rally for reparations for slavery or some such nonsense, he bites his tongue and he remembers. When a child gets charged with carrying a concealed weapon for mistakenly bringing a penknife to school, he takes note of who the local idiots are in education and law enforcement.
He also votes, and the Angry White Man loathes Hillary Clinton. Her voice reminds him of a shovel scraping a rock. He recoils at the mere sight of her on television. Her very image disgusts him, and he cannot fathom why anyone would want her as their leader. It’s not that she is a woman. It’s that she is who she is. It’s the liberal victim groups she panders to, the "poor me" attitude that she represents, her inability to give a straight answer to an honest question, his tax dollars that she wants to give to people who refuse to do anything for themselves.
There are many millions of Angry White Men. Four million Angry White Men are members of the National Rifle Association, and all of them will vote against Hillary Clinton, just as the great majority of them voted for George Bush. He hopes she will be the Democratic nominee for president in 2008, and he will make sure that she gets beaten like a drum.
Gary Hubbell is a columnist for the Aspen Times Weekly.
In election 2008, Don’t Forget The Angry White Man
Gary Hubbell
February 9, 2008
There is a great amount of interest in this year’s presidential elections, as everybody seems to recognize that our next president has to be a lot better than George Bush. The Democrats are riding high with two groundbreaking candidates — a woman and an African-American — while the some Republicans are in a quandary about their party’s nod to a quasi-liberal maverick, John McCain.
Each candidate is carefully pandering to a smorgasbord of special-interest groups, ranging from gay, lesbian and transgender people to children of illegal immigrants to working mothers to evangelical Christians.
There is one group no one has recognized, and it is the group that will decide the election: the Angry White Man. The Angry White Man comes from all economic backgrounds, from dirt-poor to filthy rich. He represents all geographic areas in America, from urban sophisticate to rural redneck, deep South to mountain West, left Coast to Eastern Seaboard. His common traits are that he isn’t looking for anything from anyone — just the promise to be able to make his own way on a level playing field. In many cases, he is an independent businessman and employs several people. He pays more than his share of taxes and works hard.
The victim syndrome buzzwords — "disenfranchised," "marginalized" and "voiceless" — don’t resonate with him. "Press ‘one’ for English" is a curse-word. He’s used to picking up the tab, whether it’s the company Christmas party, three sets of braces, three college educations or a beautiful wedding.
He believes the Constitution is to be interpreted literally, not as a "living document" open to the whims and vagaries of a panel of judges who have never worked an honest day in their lives.
The Angry White Man owns firearms, and he’s willing to pick up a gun to defend his home and his country. He is willing to lay down his life to defend the freedom and safety of others.
The Angry White Man is not a metrosexual, a homosexual or a victim. Nobody like him drowned in Hurricane Katrina — he got his people together and got the hell out, then went back in to rescue those too helpless and stupid to help themselves, often as a police officer, a National Guard soldier or a volunteer firefighter.
His last name and religion don’t matter. His background might be Italian, English, Polish, German, Slavic, Irish, or Russian, and he might have Cherokee, Mexican, or Puerto Rican mixed in, but he considers himself a white American.
He’s a man’s man, the kind of guy who likes to play poker, watch football, hunt white-tailed deer, call turkeys, play golf, change his own oil and build things. He coaches baseball, soccer and football teams and doesn’t ask for a penny. He’s the kind of guy who can put an addition on his house with a couple of friends, drill an oil well, weld a new bumper for his truck, design a factory and publish books. He can fill a train with 100,000 tons of coal and get it to the power plant on time so that you keep the lights on and never know what it took to flip that light switch.
Women either love him or hate him, but they know he’s a man, not a dishrag. If they’re looking for someone to walk all over, they’ve got the wrong guy. He stands up straight, opens doors for women and says "Yes, sir" and "No, ma’am."
He might be a Republican and he might be a Democrat; he might be a Libertarian or a Green. He knows his wife is more emotional than rational, and he guides the family in a rational manner.
He’s not a racist, but he is annoyed and disappointed when people of certain backgrounds exhibit behavior that typifies the worst stereotypes of their race. He’s willing to give everybody a fair chance if they work hard, play by the rules and learn English.
Most important, the Angry White Man is pissed off. When his job is flooded with illegal workers who don’t pay taxes and his wages drop like a stone, he gets righteously angry. When his job gets shipped overseas, and he has to speak to some incomprehensible idiot in India for tech support, he simmers. When Al Sharpton comes on TV, leading some rally for reparations for slavery or some such nonsense, he bites his tongue and he remembers. When a child gets charged with carrying a concealed weapon for mistakenly bringing a penknife to school, he takes note of who the local idiots are in education and law enforcement.
He also votes, and the Angry White Man loathes Hillary Clinton. Her voice reminds him of a shovel scraping a rock. He recoils at the mere sight of her on television. Her very image disgusts him, and he cannot fathom why anyone would want her as their leader. It’s not that she is a woman. It’s that she is who she is. It’s the liberal victim groups she panders to, the "poor me" attitude that she represents, her inability to give a straight answer to an honest question, his tax dollars that she wants to give to people who refuse to do anything for themselves.
There are many millions of Angry White Men. Four million Angry White Men are members of the National Rifle Association, and all of them will vote against Hillary Clinton, just as the great majority of them voted for George Bush. He hopes she will be the Democratic nominee for president in 2008, and he will make sure that she gets beaten like a drum.
Gary Hubbell is a columnist for the Aspen Times Weekly.
February 17, 2008
I'm Back
I've been fighting this nasty flu bug for the past week and I really haven't felt much like posting.
But, today I am better and wanted to let the world know I am still here. I have several things I have seen in the past few days that are worth writing about and will do so when time permits. But, for now it's good to be back at the keyboard.
But, today I am better and wanted to let the world know I am still here. I have several things I have seen in the past few days that are worth writing about and will do so when time permits. But, for now it's good to be back at the keyboard.
February 09, 2008
CNN Makes a Huge Mistake
CNN tried to get a jump on it's competition and in the process made a mistake rookie jounalists wouldn't think of making.
CNN was interviewing a Kirkwood resident who was at the council meeting Thursday night when the mayor was shot in the head. After describing the scene, the news anchor asked "what condition is he in have you heard"?
In effect the anchor wanted to report hearsay. The correct way for CNN to report the story was to have a reporter call the hospital for information. I guess CNN doesnt have any telephones. Either that or it's producers are too lazy to work for the story.
CNN was interviewing a Kirkwood resident who was at the council meeting Thursday night when the mayor was shot in the head. After describing the scene, the news anchor asked "what condition is he in have you heard"?
In effect the anchor wanted to report hearsay. The correct way for CNN to report the story was to have a reporter call the hospital for information. I guess CNN doesnt have any telephones. Either that or it's producers are too lazy to work for the story.
Horrible Media Coverage
In general Saint Louis and national media have made asses out of themselves in attempting to cover the Kirkwood murders.
The worst offender is the NBC TV affiliate in St. Louis. It has asked more inane "how does it feel" type of questions than are generally asked by junior high journalism students. Now it's "news" team is pandering to the audience with it's news anchors going "live" to the scene. The idiot management and consultants at KSDK, owned by Gannett, were so arrogant that they wanted to be a part of the Kirkwood vigil held last night for the victims. So what stunt did they pull? The station broadcast it's ten o'clock news live from the vigil; two hours after it was over. Why you might ask? Simply put this is ratings month.
KSDK is not the only medium to behave like idiots. The other three TV stations and at least one radio station ran unverified rumors in an effort to get a jump on the competition. As I have written before this is horribly shoddy journalism. First year students are taught you verify your facts before your publish or broadcast. Whoever is running the newsrooms at these outlets should be fired for gross incompetence.
Finally, the worst offense by the TV reporters has been a total lack of respect for the privacy of the people who have lost their loved ones. This is not acceptable. Being a journalist doesn't give these individuals the right to behave like rude children. Please grow up and show some self restraint.
The worst offender is the NBC TV affiliate in St. Louis. It has asked more inane "how does it feel" type of questions than are generally asked by junior high journalism students. Now it's "news" team is pandering to the audience with it's news anchors going "live" to the scene. The idiot management and consultants at KSDK, owned by Gannett, were so arrogant that they wanted to be a part of the Kirkwood vigil held last night for the victims. So what stunt did they pull? The station broadcast it's ten o'clock news live from the vigil; two hours after it was over. Why you might ask? Simply put this is ratings month.
KSDK is not the only medium to behave like idiots. The other three TV stations and at least one radio station ran unverified rumors in an effort to get a jump on the competition. As I have written before this is horribly shoddy journalism. First year students are taught you verify your facts before your publish or broadcast. Whoever is running the newsrooms at these outlets should be fired for gross incompetence.
Finally, the worst offense by the TV reporters has been a total lack of respect for the privacy of the people who have lost their loved ones. This is not acceptable. Being a journalist doesn't give these individuals the right to behave like rude children. Please grow up and show some self restraint.
More Misery in Kirkwood
I was shocked by the murders of five fellow St. Louis County residents Thursday night at the Kirkwood City Council meeting. I am in an adjoining municipality and the murders took place less than three miles from home. Obviously my heart goes out to the families of the victims including the family of the shooter. I know there is a reason for it, but it's just hard to comprehend how someone can be hurting so badly they feel murder/suicide is the only way out.
I have been told by a coworker who knew the gunman second hand that he was a good guy, but was obsessed with the city of Kirkwood having it out for him. And, city officials apparently had also tried for quite some time to work things out. Apparently Thornton believed he was just standing up for himself against his municipal government that he had to believe was "going out of it's way" to harrass him.
There's really nothing more I can say that hasn't already been written. Hopefully the families and this city, that really is a great place to live, can start to heal. This is the third time in the last few years something traumatic has happened. Two years ago a city police officer was gunned down in cold blood. About a year ago two young boys were rescued from a pervert who had kidnapped them and held one of them for about five years. Hopefully better days are ahead.
I have been told by a coworker who knew the gunman second hand that he was a good guy, but was obsessed with the city of Kirkwood having it out for him. And, city officials apparently had also tried for quite some time to work things out. Apparently Thornton believed he was just standing up for himself against his municipal government that he had to believe was "going out of it's way" to harrass him.
There's really nothing more I can say that hasn't already been written. Hopefully the families and this city, that really is a great place to live, can start to heal. This is the third time in the last few years something traumatic has happened. Two years ago a city police officer was gunned down in cold blood. About a year ago two young boys were rescued from a pervert who had kidnapped them and held one of them for about five years. Hopefully better days are ahead.
February 06, 2008
Pathetic Postal Service
In the past year the Post Office has managed to screw up my deliveries by not putting the mail in the box and closing the lid. The problem is when it rains or snows it ruins the mail.
It happened again today and I am not a happy camper. I decided to write the following email to my congressman and two US Senators. I doubt anything will happen to resolve the issue but for the record here is the message.
"I am thoroughly disgusted with the US Postal Service. Frequently I arrive home in the evening to find the mail tossed carelessly into the box and the lid not pulled shut. Today I arrived home and discovered the same scenario. But, today it rained and snowed and the mail was wet. One large item was left sticking out of the box. That particular item included merchandise that was also wet when I opened the packaging.
Normally, I wouldn't bring this to your attention but I have asked the Post Office three separate times in the past 12 months to make sure the mail is deposited securely in the box and the lid pulled shut. The first time I contacted the USPS at it's 800 number and was told this wouldn’t happen again. The second time I called the local post office and spoke to a clerk who "guaranteed" me it wouldn't happen again. And the third time I spoke to the mail carrier and asked him to make sure the mail was put in the box completely. He assured me he would do that. I have put up a larger than standard mailbox my home at the request of the first person I spoke to on the phone but it still has not solved the problem.
I don’t know what else to do to solve this problem, and I am asking for your assistance if possible. I appreciate your taking the time to read this and if you wish to contact me please feel free to do so.
I will let you know what my elected officials have to say when and if I receive their replies.
It happened again today and I am not a happy camper. I decided to write the following email to my congressman and two US Senators. I doubt anything will happen to resolve the issue but for the record here is the message.
"I am thoroughly disgusted with the US Postal Service. Frequently I arrive home in the evening to find the mail tossed carelessly into the box and the lid not pulled shut. Today I arrived home and discovered the same scenario. But, today it rained and snowed and the mail was wet. One large item was left sticking out of the box. That particular item included merchandise that was also wet when I opened the packaging.
Normally, I wouldn't bring this to your attention but I have asked the Post Office three separate times in the past 12 months to make sure the mail is deposited securely in the box and the lid pulled shut. The first time I contacted the USPS at it's 800 number and was told this wouldn’t happen again. The second time I called the local post office and spoke to a clerk who "guaranteed" me it wouldn't happen again. And the third time I spoke to the mail carrier and asked him to make sure the mail was put in the box completely. He assured me he would do that. I have put up a larger than standard mailbox my home at the request of the first person I spoke to on the phone but it still has not solved the problem.
I don’t know what else to do to solve this problem, and I am asking for your assistance if possible. I appreciate your taking the time to read this and if you wish to contact me please feel free to do so.
I will let you know what my elected officials have to say when and if I receive their replies.
And To Top It All Off
There were tornadoes last night in southern Missouri, Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky and Mississippi that claimed over 50 lives. It kind of makes the wild weather swings insignificant.
February 05, 2008
What Next...?
In the past eight days St. Louis has seen temperatures in the 70's followed two days later by six inches of snow. Sunday small hail fell in some parts of the area. Yesterday we set a record high of 75 degrees. Today we are having such heavy rain that flash flood warnings have been issued.
Like I wrote last week, wait 15 minutes and the weather will change.
Like I wrote last week, wait 15 minutes and the weather will change.
The Swami Goes Crazy
Chris Berman has been a fixture at ESPN for years, but like everyone else he gets upset about his work conditions from time to time.
This was recorded and most likely put on a blooper reel seven years ago. But, it's now a viral video since popping up on the Internet last Wednesday.
To see the video click on this link.
I need to warn you it is profane. (In fact, I had embedded it here previously. But after watching it a few times I decided to excercise some self restraint).
This was recorded and most likely put on a blooper reel seven years ago. But, it's now a viral video since popping up on the Internet last Wednesday.
To see the video click on this link.
I need to warn you it is profane. (In fact, I had embedded it here previously. But after watching it a few times I decided to excercise some self restraint).
February 03, 2008
What A Game...What An Upset
Congratulations to the New York Giants...Superbowl 42 Champions! The Giants beat the New England Patriots 17-14, coming from behind twice to pull off what will go down as one of the biggest upsets in NFL history.
The Giants defense shut down Tom Brady and the Pats high powered offense limiting them to very little through the air or on the ground. The Giants defense pressured Patriots QB Tom Brady all night long and rendered him ineffective.
Game MVP Eli Manning answered his critics by coming up big in several key situations. If there is one play that stands out above the rest it was on the winning drive when Manning scrambled away from three tacklers who had him dead to rights, and fired the ball down field to David Tyree who somehow pulled in a way too high pass and held on to get the Giants into the Red Zone. Several plays later the Giants scored the touchdown that turned out to be the game winner.
The Patriots, who had visions of joining the 1972 Miami Dolphins as only the second NFL team to go undefeated, are the best 18-1 team in football history. The Giants, after barely getting into the playoffs as a number five seed in the NFC, are the kings of pro football. Superbowl Champions.
I was rooting for the Giants tonight partly, because they were a 13 point underdog just the same as the St. Louis Rams were six years ago this very night. The Patriots won Super Bowl 36 as a huge underdog over my beloved Rams. The spread was exactly the same tonight and again the dog roared. Paybacks are a bitch.
The Giants defense shut down Tom Brady and the Pats high powered offense limiting them to very little through the air or on the ground. The Giants defense pressured Patriots QB Tom Brady all night long and rendered him ineffective.
Game MVP Eli Manning answered his critics by coming up big in several key situations. If there is one play that stands out above the rest it was on the winning drive when Manning scrambled away from three tacklers who had him dead to rights, and fired the ball down field to David Tyree who somehow pulled in a way too high pass and held on to get the Giants into the Red Zone. Several plays later the Giants scored the touchdown that turned out to be the game winner.
The Patriots, who had visions of joining the 1972 Miami Dolphins as only the second NFL team to go undefeated, are the best 18-1 team in football history. The Giants, after barely getting into the playoffs as a number five seed in the NFC, are the kings of pro football. Superbowl Champions.
I was rooting for the Giants tonight partly, because they were a 13 point underdog just the same as the St. Louis Rams were six years ago this very night. The Patriots won Super Bowl 36 as a huge underdog over my beloved Rams. The spread was exactly the same tonight and again the dog roared. Paybacks are a bitch.
February 02, 2008
A Weird Week at Mizzou

On Wednesday night a diminished Tiger squad lost a game at home it should have won to a terrible Nebrasksa basketball team.
Today the Tigers upset a very good Kansas State squad in Columbia with two of the five re-instated after the start of the game. The Tigers came from ten points down at half to beat K-State 77-74. Mizzou outhustled and outplayed Kansas State in the second half. What makes the upset even bigger is that K-State had handed unbeaten Kansas it's first loss of the season just three days ago.
I am proud of the Tigers win today and happy for Coach Mike Anderson who did the right thing in suspending these players. For the record Anderson recruited only one of the five. But, I am embarrased that these five morons pictured above were recruited to represent my alma mater.
February 01, 2008
Idiot TV Talking Heads
St. Louis got about six inches of snow over the past two days. It was your average winter snowstorm. But, to listen to the moron weather types at the local TV stations you would have thought the apocalypse was upon us.
The snow was never heavy all afternoon or last night. The National Weather Service (NWS) cut it's forecast to 3-5 inches of new snowfall last night at eight p.m. As it turned out the forecast was right on the money. But, the idiot "forecasters" at the local CBS and NBC affiliate continued their dire warnings even after the NWS revised it's forecast downward. I tried to watch "CSI" last night and the channel four weather idiot interupted twice for lengthy periods to say "we could have ten inches or more". Pure bull hockey.
So what does this tell you about television news/weather? Well for starters it tells you the newsroom managment doesn't think you're very smart. Apparently they are unaware of a thing called the Internet. Either that or else they are stupid and/or arrogant. Otherwise why would they tell you there's going to be a blizzard when the real forecasters have given you the truth?
Once again the bottom line is money. Ratings month started last night and both KMOV and KSDK urged viewers to watch their late newscast. The more viewers the higher the ratings. The higher ratings the more expensive the commercials. Once again the stations are not broadcasting in the public interest but rather their own financial interests. If you are unhappy with this abuse of the airwaves go to and let the agency know how you feel.
The snow was never heavy all afternoon or last night. The National Weather Service (NWS) cut it's forecast to 3-5 inches of new snowfall last night at eight p.m. As it turned out the forecast was right on the money. But, the idiot "forecasters" at the local CBS and NBC affiliate continued their dire warnings even after the NWS revised it's forecast downward. I tried to watch "CSI" last night and the channel four weather idiot interupted twice for lengthy periods to say "we could have ten inches or more". Pure bull hockey.
So what does this tell you about television news/weather? Well for starters it tells you the newsroom managment doesn't think you're very smart. Apparently they are unaware of a thing called the Internet. Either that or else they are stupid and/or arrogant. Otherwise why would they tell you there's going to be a blizzard when the real forecasters have given you the truth?
Once again the bottom line is money. Ratings month started last night and both KMOV and KSDK urged viewers to watch their late newscast. The more viewers the higher the ratings. The higher ratings the more expensive the commercials. Once again the stations are not broadcasting in the public interest but rather their own financial interests. If you are unhappy with this abuse of the airwaves go to and let the agency know how you feel.
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